Nagpur: Tree Authority wants details on the NHAI alternative site for IMS – News2IN

Nagpur: Tree Authority wants details on the NHAI alternative site for IMS

Nagpur: Tree Authority wants details on the NHAI alternative site for IMS
Written by news2in

Nagpur: The combustion problem from the logging of large-scale trees in the Ajni was taken by the newly formed state tree authorities recently.
This has directed the National Highway Authority (NHAI), which is the project proposer, to submit a detailed analysis of the explored alternative sites.
In accordance with the protection of Maharashtra (urban areas) which are changed and preserving the tree law, the logging permit of more than 200 trees is located in the hands of the State Tree Committee.
At Ajni, 4,930 ancient trees – now called inheritance – proposed to be cut down to the construction of inter-capital stations and other commercial projects.
The minutes of the first meeting of the committee, held on January 17, revealed that Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) received 7,791 objections from residents against large tree logging.
Also, Nhai told the authority that the proposal worked back and the alternative site was studied in full.
“However, there are no other sites found suitable for this project,” authority said.
After hearing the presentation made by Commissioner of the city of Radhakrishnan B, the authority decided to refer back cases for compliance in accordance with the standard operating procedure (SOP).
Quoting amended rules, civil heads reportedly recognized that proposals need to be re-worked and must include tree census and age of trees.
NMC has prepared a proposal before new norms fell into place, which according to her tree over 50 years came under the ‘heritage’ category and received special protection.
According to experts, a large number of trees in the Ajni have inheritance value.
Furthermore, tree authorities requested NHAs to submit an analysis of alternative sites along with efforts that confirm the best sites for this project.
Welcoming the attitude of authority, the environment of the Crusades emphasized that the project plan was not well examined.
“Alternative sites are available in the city, both in Mihan or Khapri but the authorities bow to bring projects in the Ajni and destroy the developing biodiversity habitat and green cover.
The site must be chosen which ensures minimum damage to the green cover,” they said.

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