Naidu broke the ruckus in the hospital – News2IN
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Naidu broke the ruckus in the hospital

Naidu broke the ruckus in the hospital
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Chairman of Rajya Sabha M Venkaiiah Naidu on Wednesday declared “deep sadness” in the implementation of opposition parliamentarians at home on Tuesday – when some members have climbed onto the table where the officer and home reporters sit and one MP file is officially on The direction of the chair – and equalize it to “suspend” says that the reporter desk is considered “Sanctum Sentorum” from the “temple” parliament.
“As the chairman of the house, I am afraid to visualize the implications and consequences of competitive blasphemy in our democratic temple,” he said in his observation as soon as the house was reinstalled.
Also read Pegasus Protection, Agricultural Law Stall Rajya Sabha has not yet Laginew Delhi: It was a day marked by protests and delays in Rajya Sabha on Tuesday with members of the opposition, especially from the conversion of the call of attention to a short duration discussion about the issue of new agricultural law.
Congressman Jairam Ramesh, a member of the opposition parliament has created a commotion on Tuesday in protest against the decision to allow short-duration discussions on “agricultural problems and solutions” instead of taking discussions on three agricultural bills they have demanded from the start.
Read various ruling parties looking for protection in disturbing parliament.
The process disturbance for many years means that the debate occurred everywhere other than at home, which underestimated the institutions, in his observations on Tuesday’s events, claiming that he had spent his sleepless night “struggled to find provocations or reasons to force home in August This is to achieve low “.
Stating that discussions allowed on Wednesday are registered as “agricultural problems and solutions” in line with the tradition of “motion notification” treated by the chairman registered in a way that can be accepted by all parts of the house “without pointing the problem of problems”, Naidu wondered how It can prevent members who raise problems about the agricultural sector including three agricultural bills.
As its appeal to avoid sending negative messages that the house was not interested in discussing the issue of enhanced breaders and proceedings reached “new low”, Naidu said that some parts of the house had countless damage to the dignity and stature of the house this August.
“As chairman, I was very depressed on it and so did the nation,” he said.
The Chair also takes an exception to several parliamentarians who have filmed “blasphemy moments” – breaking the rules that do not allow the home process videography by members – and post them on social media.
“While doing it, they just finally showed people to the extent to which this August house could slump because of the newly discovered and aggressive disorders by several parts.
It is very sad,” he said.
Appealing to the collective conscience of this house “to seriously reflect on what had happened yesterday and explored the solution”, Naidu said that all the failures to do so “would certainly make our parliamentary democracy irrelevant”.
“The choice before each of you is very clear.
It’s good to become the best member of the parliament or worst disturbing,” he said handling MPs.
Previously, it was said that everything was said or carried out a violation, hurt or destroyed sanctity anywhere, especially the Sanctum Sancturum place from a temple, a church or mosque, amounted to alert, he reminded parliamentarians that parliament was also considered a ‘democratic temple’.
“The table area where officers and home reporter, Secretary General and Chair of the Chair Sitting are considered as Sanctum Sanctorum from the house.
Certain sanctity levels are attached to this place …
Entering this sanctum Sanctorum from the house, by itself is an indication …
I was depressed by this sacration has been destroyed yesterday.
While some members sit on the table, some others go up on the home table, it is possible to be more visible with the actions of intense blasphemy.
I have no words to deliver My sadness and to condemn such actions, “he said.
Watch Venkaiiah Naidu destroyed, protest parliament slams

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