Naira Shah Detained by NCB for Medication – News2IN

Naira Shah Detained by NCB for Medication

Naira Shah Detained by NCB for Medication
Written by news2in

The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Sunday detained south celebrity Naira Shah along with her buddy Ashiq Sajid Husain after ingestion of charas (cannabis) in the resort in Juhu, Mumbai, ” an official said.

The NCB hunted the hotel room at the early hours of this afternoon as part of its investigation into alleged drug usage according to a tip-off, a release stated.
It recovered just one g of Charas, rolled to cigarettes throughout the hunt, the release added.
“The area was assessed in 3 am and the duo have been in possession of a single gram of Charas, rolled to cigarettes,” based on this report.

Naira Shah has celebrated her birthday celebration at the resort Sunday night and following the celebration, he along with her buddy Ashiq Sajid Husain went into their lawsuit.
Approximately a g of Charas, rolled to cigarettes was discovered in their area, authorities claimed.

View this article on Instagram A article shared with Naira Shah (@iamnairashah)
Acting to a tip-off, Santacruz Police made the arrests if they had been at the hotel area, an officer said.
“A study into the issue is underway.
We’re attempting to learn if she’s involved in almost any drug racket,” police said.
As stated by the IPC Section 274, the production/manufacturing/cultivation, ownership, sale, buying, transportation, storage, or intake of any narcotic drug or psychotropic materials are illegal.
Naira Shah along with her Ashiq Sajid Husain are reserved under the National Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act for alleged drug ingestion.

View this article on Instagram A article shared with Naira Shah (@iamnairashah)
Following her arrest, the Naira and Ashiq were shot into the hospital for a medical exam prior to being made before the court.
According to the record they had supposedly consumed the prohibited drugs in the birthday celebration.
The local magistrate court on Monday granted bail to Naira and Ashiq, that had been detained for the use of medication.
The authorities are currently investigating to determine the origin of medication.

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