Narcotics Trade: Audia Mehta Arrested by ATS – News2IN

Narcotics Trade: Audia Mehta Arrested by ATS

Narcotics Trade: Audia Mehta Arrested by ATS
Written by news2in

Mumbai: The country’s anti-terrorism troops arrested by a securities colleagues accused of being 65 years old, Harshad Mehta from Munirka Village in Delhi in connection with drug cases RS 2.5 Crore.
The defendant, Niranjan Shah, has a history of involvement in cases of narcotics and arrested after multi-country pursuit.
He lived in a rented room that gave the impression of a man limited when Ats arrived, reported Mateen Heafez.
He has passed the arrest in drug cases by anti-narcotics cells from city police, NCB and Directorate of Intelligence Intelligence.
Known as a slippery merchant, Shah was on its way because the case of RS 2.5 Crore drug was registered in March.
At one point in the probe, the police found its location to become indore, MP, but when ATS reached, he had left the place.
The team then followed him to Rajasthan, Delhi, Karnataka, and again to Rajasthan and Delhi.
The police got the Shah’s instructions from tracking the son of a drug addict an ATS officer said: “We have followed him with all the inputs we received and finally caught him from Delhi, where he lived in a rented room that was hired in the name of someone else for it.
The last two months.
“The officer said Shah’s search had become a secret operation.
Shah was produced in front of the court in the city on Wednesday and returned in police custody until August 25.
The drug case returned to March17, when the Juhu ATS unit had arrested the defendant, Sohel Memon, and won 5.65 kg of Mephedrone (MD), then worth Rs 2.5 Crore in the international market.
The investigation revealed that Memon had bought MD from Shah.
The case is registered under the NDPS law.
In the past, cases were registered against Shah with the wing of economic violations of the city police and in Delhi.
The police said after Shah fled the city and continued to change the location, they got information about her son, who was in the center of De-Chidiction’s addiction, and kept watching.
Shah used to call the center to ask about his son and this was enough for the police to produce the instructions they needed to get to him.
The operation was run under the supervision of the Head of the Agarwal Vineet ATS and explored Shivdeep Lande.
Shah was once a big player who was examined with people like Stockbroker Harshad Mehta.
In the early 1990s, Shah was based in Dubai and was extradited from there to India.
NCB has captured Shah in April 2003 because of its alleged involvement in narcotics smuggling.
At that time, Shah was believed to be a member of the International Narcotics Cartel.
The name Shah has appeared in the NCB investigation to export illegally to Western countries as a consignment containing 565kg hashish which is worth more than Rs 5 Crore in the international market.
Shah was arrested in 2011 by Dri in New Delhi in connection with the case of smuggling 100kg pseudoephedrine.
In February 2014, NCB arrested Shah and three others for drug trafficking.
Efedrine and Metamfetamine are estimated to be worth RS 5 Crore confiscated at that time.
In August 2006, the Bombay High Court enforced the session orders in punishing two NRI brothers based in Dubai to serve a lifelong sentence to kidnap and kill Shah’s son of eight years old in 1992.
The child was kidnapped for RS15 crore ransom.

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