Ludhiana: A man escaped narrowly after the car where he traveled caught fire at South City Road on Wednesday morning.
The incident occurred when Arvind Paha, a resident of Chander Nagar, returned after teaching yoga to his students.
He watched the smoke out of the AC ventilation and escaped on time.
Anil Khanna, one of Arvind’s friends shared, “It was the usual time around 7.45 in the morning when Arvind returned again and he watched the smoke out of the AC vent so he immediately stopped the car.
Rush to come out first he couldn’t open the car door and found It was jammed but with a continuous effort he somehow managed to open and exit.
“Khanna said,” As soon as he came out, the car caught fire and Arvind gave him told him to reach that place.
” Khanna said she had tried the fire emergency number but because of the network problem she could not contact them.
“Motorcycle riders passed from there and he assured us to notify the fire department at Hambran Road about it,” Khanna said.
He said the car was completely broken and Arvind received mild burns in his hand.
But Singh firefighters from the Hambran fire station, “a cyclist came in a condition that was exhausted to us and told us that the fire broke out.
He was very angry so at first we could not understand what he was trying to say.
We first offered him water And then he told us that a burning car.
We rushed to the place but when we got there, the car was almost burned.