National Forest Closed as a surge in California forest fire – News2IN

National Forest Closed as a surge in California forest fire

National Forest Closed as a surge in California forest fire
Written by news2in

Placerville: Millions of hectares of national forests in northern California were closed due to dangerous fire conditions already sent scores blazes that raged through the area and destroyed hundreds of homes.
The US Forest Service announced Thursday that began on August 22 will close nine of the national forest near Lake Tahoe on the Nevada border in the east all the way west to the six national forests, which stretches north to the border of oregon and contains more than 1 million hectares of land alone.
Eldorado National Forest is closed due to a fire Caldor, which destroyed the city of Grizzly Flat Sierra Nevada this week.
Flower unbeaten destroyed more than 100 square miles (259 square kilometers) of land.
After growing up to 10 times its original size in just two days, fire slowed progress slightly on Thursday and was pushed east to a less dense forest area.
However, about 25,000 people remain in evacuation orders.
Fire managers rushing to a fire that grows on a steep slope in the woods southwest of Lake Tahoe.
More than 650 firefighters and 13 helicopters assigned to the Blaze, and air tankers from across the country increasingly fly fire suppression mission there as conditions permitted, authorities said.
“The hope is that with additional resources and personnel on the scene, we really can start to build it around the fire box and the start of detention,” said Keith Wade of the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection California.
In Omo Ranch, close to where the fire started, bulldozers ripping trees to build a fire line and stop the flames from the south.
While almost the entire city was evacuated, Thurman Conroy and his wife, Michele, had stayed behind to protect their homes and their businesses, a general store Conroy.
But they were ready to flee if the fire is too close.
“The fire badly wants us therefore make every effort to get out of the canyon and in this way,” said Thurman.
“So they continued to beat him.
And it was just …
Tough, stubborn, it will not be lost.
That’s all we can do.” Refugees from Caldor fire find refuge in places like Green Valley Community Church in Placerville, west of the fire, where they set up tents and trailers in the parking lot.
Childress Adrian, 7, the picture painted to spend time and a special tent set up for people who want to pray.
Gusty Cheather disaster has prompted a series of illuminated through California trees, grass and brush.
A dozen fire threatened thousands of homes and forced the evacuation of the hottest entire little community tucked into a beautiful forest area.
More than 10,000 firefighters were on the line.
The Dixie Fire, burning since July 13 in the northern Sierra Nevada and the Cascades south, ballooned further to around 1,060 square miles (2,745 square kilometers) and only 35% contained, authorities said.
This is the first fire in state history recorded for stretching east and west all the way across the range of the Sierra Nevada, authorities said.
The fire, which destroyed the city of Greenville two weeks ago, destroyed more than 1,200 buildings, including 649 homes, according to the ongoing damage assessment.
There are some injuries but no deaths but only three years ago that the fire was not too far to the southwest of the flame today killed 85 people and nearly destroyed the city of Paradise in Butte County.
One small but destructive flames burned through a mobile home park and cut about 50 houses to ashes in Lake County, about 80 miles (130 kilometers) north of San Francisco.
Climate change has made the western part of the warmer and drier in the last 30 years and will continue to make weather more extreme and more destructive forest fires, according to the scientists.
Vegetation has been turned into derinder with hot and dry weather and the ongoing drought which also scorched much of the western United States, according to fire officials.
More than 100 large and active fire burning in more than a dozen western states, according to the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho.
The fire was the pursuit of resources and that makes it more difficult for California to get the equipment and crews from abroad.
The US Forest Service has approached Canada, Mexico and Australia for help, even though they were busy fighting blazes Canada, said agency spokesman Jonathan Groveman.

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