NBWL Ayes RS RS 400CR Interstate Barrage in Eco Tipeshwar Sensitive Zone – News2IN

NBWL Ayes RS RS 400CR Interstate Barrage in Eco Tipeshwar Sensitive Zone

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Nagpur: The permanent Committee of the National Council for Wildlife (NBWL) has cleared the RS400 Crore Interstate Channaka-KORATA (RUDHA) a series on the Penganga River in the Batuabad Telangana Regency.
This project was cleaned in the 65th NBWL meeting, held virtually.
On September 24.
Maharashtra PCCF (wildlife) Sunil Limaye told TI that the project requires environmental permits (EC) and is in the Typheeshwar wildlife zone who is notified in the Division of the Pandharchda formed by the state.
The Board for Wildlife (SBWL), in his meeting on January 31, 2018, has recommended mitigation measures for the project.
This proposal was for the use of non-forest land of 213.48 hectares in ESZ which was notified and involved around 5,000 hectares of non-forest land for the construction of a series and immersion area in Maharashtra and Telangana.
To prevent ungulat death, GAURS, and other animals if they fall in a series, agencies have been asked to provide a runaway route at the specified interval.
At every 200 meters, a 5-meter gap has a 1:30 slope must be built in steps, with each step no more than 10cm high and width not less than 75cm on both sides.
“After the discussion, the standing committee decided to recommend a proposal subject to the implementation of mitigation measures suggested by the SBWL committee in 2018.
Water canal must be given to the forestry department free of charge for the use of the Department’s goal, if needed,” said Limaye.
Also, As was decided at the 8 SBWL meeting on February 20, 2014, the Project Proponent must deposit a cost of 2% of the Project proposed with the PIH Tiger conservation foundation for the improvement of habitat from Typaryhwar and Forest Wildlife Reserves.
“However, because typeshwar has now become part of the Matghat Tiger Reserve (MTR), there is no clarity whether the cost of project 2% must be stored with the MTR Foundation,” the official said.
According to Limaye, the project costs are RS139 Crore and 2% of it comes to RS2.78 CR.
ore, which has not been deposited by the user’s agency now.
Among other conditions including the minimum use of heavy noise making machines around the sanctuary area and the workers deployed for the construction of the canal should not be camping in the resilience or the nearest area and should not use the resources of the sanctuary.
However, there are also.
However, there is also no clarity about project costs.
Toi, after spot visits in May 2018, has reported Superintending Engineers Mohammed Amjad Hussain said, “The project fee is RS400 Crore, which has been spent by RS235 Crore.” NBWL members from Sukumar, HS Singh, and Ud Singh are supported.
The proposal as a project does not involve any forest area, it is far from the sanctuary and partly falls in ESZ 5,444 hectares of land in Telangana and 1,210 hectares in Maharashtra under irrigation * This will also facilitate drinking water to 14 villages, has a population of 20,000 * projects Approved Maharashtra in the Inter-Country Council for a Joint Irrigation Project Meeting on August 23, 2016

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