Nearly 900 buildings were destroyed by a large California fire – News2IN

Nearly 900 buildings were destroyed by a large California fire

Greenville: California’s largest single fire in the history of recorded continues to push through the forest on Tuesday because the fire crew tried to protect the rural community from the flame that had destroyed hundreds of homes.
Remove the sky in the parts of Dixie’s API aged a month has allowed the aircraft to join nearly 6,000 firefighters in this attack.
“Can we fly very dependent on where the smoke is.
There are still some areas where it is too smoky,” said Fire Spokesman Edwin Zuniga.
Burn through bone dry trees, brushes and grass, the fire on Tuesday has destroyed nearly 900 homes and other buildings.
Many of Greenville’s small community was burned during a fire attack which exploded last week.
But these reports “will definitely change” because the assessment team still cannot enter many areas to calculate what is burning, Zuniga said.
The Dixie Fire, named for the road where he began, also threatened 14,000 buildings in more than a dozen small mountain and rustic communities in the North Sierra Nevada.
The crew has cut thousands of new fire lines aimed at preventing fire from the spread and officials believe the fire lines created on the south side of Blaze will hold the fire in the bay there, but the future of fire is unknown, the authorities said.
“We don’t know where this fire will end and where it will land.
It continues to challenge us,” said Chris Carlton, Supervisor for Plumas National Forest.
The temperature is expected to rise and moisture is expected to fall for the next few days, with a three-digit high temperature maybe later together with the return of a strong afternoon wind, Rich Thompson’s fire meteorologist who warned Monday night.
The fire broke on July 14 has grown to an area of ​​762 square miles (1,973 square kilometers) and only 25% contained, according to the Forestry Protection Department and California fire.
The Dixie Fire is about half a complex size of August, a series of 2020 fires caused by lightning in seven districts fought together and that state officials consider California’s largest fires as a whole.
Gavin Newsom on Tuesday declared an emergency for North Shasta, Trinity and Tehama.
The declaration released the country’s resources to help fight fires in the district and provide assistance to residents who were influenced by the Blazes.
California’s raging forest fires were among around 100 large blazes burned in 15 states, mostly in the West, where the condition of historic drought has left dry and mature land for ignition.
The Dixie Fire is the biggest single fire in the history of California and the greatest currently burning in the US.
Nearly a quarter of all firefighters assigned to West Fire fighting with California Blazes, said an incident commander.
Heat waves and historical droughts related to climate change have made fires more difficult to fight in West America.
Scientists say climate change has made the area much warmer and more dried in the last 30 years and will continue to make the weather more extreme and forest fires more often and damage.
The fire in the west came when parts of Europe also fought large blazes driven by dry dry conditions.
Northwest of the Dixie Fire in Shasta-Trinity National Forest, hundreds of houses are still threatened by two fires that continue to grow.
About one third of the McFarland fire contained.
New evacuation orders were issued Monday for residents near the fire monument, which was only around 3% contained.
South Fire Dixie, firefighters prevent the growth of river fire, which broke Wednesday close to the ColFAX community and destroyed 68 houses.
It’s almost 80% contained.

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