Nepalese Plan Census Census can trigger a new line – News2IN

Nepalese Plan Census Census can trigger a new line

Written by news2in

Pithoragarh: In what can cause fresh firm taste between India and Nepal, the Nepalese government prepares to conduct a census in the Pithoragarh region of Pithoragarh Regency for a year after it supports a new map including Lipulekh, the PARTS and LimpiyAdhura part of the region.
Nepalese census training, the 12th, began on November 11 and will end on November 25.
The source told Ti that the census was trying to do in Gunji Village, Prophet and Kuti Kalapani.
They added that the Nepalese Central Statistics Bureau, which was assigned to the task, was exploring a way to calculate population numbers because it would not be possible to send the team to visit the villages.
“Overall, it will be an indirect census, where the number of households will be calculated using satellite images and other technologies,” said a source.

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