Nepal’s EC Postpones in the November parliamentary poll after SC returned the dissolved house – News2IN

Nepal’s EC Postpones in the November parliamentary poll after SC returned the dissolved house

Kathmandu: The Nepal Election Commission on Tuesday postponed parliamentary elections scheduled for November 12 and 19 in the country after recovering the House of Representatives.
The APEX court on Monday reversed the decision of Prime Minister K PP Sharma on May 21 to dissolve the House of Representatives and ordered the appointment of opposition leader Sher Bahadur Deuba as Prime Minister.
Elections scheduled for November after the dissolution of the House of Representatives will not be held immediately because the parliament has been restored, spokesman for the Election Commission Raj Kumar Shrestha.
On the recommendation of oil, President Bhandari dissolved home down a second time in five months on May 22 and announced the selap selection on November 12 and November 19.
As many as 30 petitions were submitted to the Supreme Court.
“After the Supreme Court’s decision, no need to move forward in preparation for the election,” Shrestha said as quoted by the Myrepublica News website.
“The Commission will hold a meeting and postpone preparation,” he said.
According to EC, even though he has not received written information about the decision of the Supreme Court, he has delayed the process based on information on Monday, the report said.
Shrestha said the Commission had made some preparations for the election but not much money had been spent on it.
The Ministry of Finance previously approved the budget for elections and commissions that have agreed to the financial procedure for it.
The election commission earlier this month announced a schedule for MIDTERM polls that will come with the selection process starting from July 15.
Nepal plunged into the political crisis on December 20 last year after President Bhandari dissolved home and announced new elections on April 30 and April 10th on the recommendations of the Prime Minister of Oil, amid the upheaval of the powerful Nepalese Communist Party (NCP).
In February, the peak court returned a dissolved people’s council, in a setback to the Prime Minister of Oil who was preparing for a poll.
Oil repeatedly defended his move to dissolve the House of Representatives, said some of his party leaders tried to form a “parallel government”.

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