Netanyahu Israel faces key witnesses in court – News2IN

Netanyahu Israel faces key witnesses in court

Netanyahu Israel faces key witnesses in court
Written by news2in

Jerusalem: Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared in court on Monday to face witnesses the main prosecution in the trial of corruption.
Netanyahu, who served as Prime Minister for 12 years to June, has claimed to be innocent on allegations of bribery, violations of trust and fraud in cases centered on alleged regulations given to media tycoons in exchange for press coverage and receipt of positive prizes, including Cigars and champagne.
Netanyahu, now the opposition leader, smiled under his black face mask when he walked to the Jerusalem district courtroom to hear the testimony of his former spokesman and near the Advisor Nir Hefetz, one of the small groups of aides to change the country’s witness to the country’s first prime minister to wear criminal costs when still in the office.
“Netanyahu spends at least as possible in the media because he spends security problems, including the things of outsiders will consider nonsense,” Hefetz told the court.
Netanyahu, 72, was not required to attend the trial and he had made some court appearance.
He did not comment to reporters when the slogan shouted outside on the road by a group of supporters floating into the courtroom facing a small group of anti-netanyahu protesters.
Netanyahu’s trial has become a polarization problem for Israel.
His loyal supporters carried him as a hunt for the left wing wing targeted by a popular right-wing leader, while the loyal critics praised it as a legal victory for serious government corruption that had distanced Israel into two years of political chaos.
After four unconvincing elections, former Netanyahu’s right-wing, Naftali Bennett in June praised the leader serving the longest Israel by forming a patchy coalition government from the correct, centric, left and Muslim wing.

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