‘New Def Office for further purpose to build new India’ – News2IN
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‘New Def Office for further purpose to build new India’

'New Def Office for further purpose to build new India'
Written by news2in

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday inaugurated the defense office complex at Kasturba Gandhi Marg and Africa Avenue in Delhi.
Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, Chief of Staff of Defense General Bipin Rawat, Hardeep Union Minister Singh Puri, and Head of General MM Naravane’s army was also present at the event.
The Prime Minister also launched the Vista Central website on Thursday’s program.
The new defense office complex will accommodate around 7,000 officials from the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces.
Buildings will provide modern, safe and functional workspace.
Integrated Command and Control Center has been established to manage building operations, while also serving the final safety and supervision of both buildings.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Defense Minister Union Rajnath Singh saw a new complex inaugurated in Delhi on Thursday.
PM talk about ‘new India’, Central Vista “Today Delhi is developing in line with the ‘new Indian’ vision.
This new defense office complex will now make it worthy of our troops to operate in better working conditions with all modern facilities with all Modern facilities, “The Prime Minister said at the event.
Slamming people who opposed the Vista Central Project, PM Modi said: “Today the world witnessed the middle of the meterimus that had been established on modern technology base and facilities to improve the quality of work for military officials working 24×7.” He also said that Vista was in the middle of While introducing modern technology, will also maintain Delhi’s environment and heritage.
“Today, when this country focuses on ‘ease of life’ and ‘ease of doing business’, modern infrastructure plays an important role.
This is the spirit at the core of the Central Vista project,” said PM.
“The modern defense office will run far effectively bring jobs related to the security of the nation,” he added.
Modi in the pre-independence era of Hutments and other staff from the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces moved to the new office complex from their workplaces in the pre-independence era in and around Bukit Raisina.
In his speech, Modi said those who opposed the Vista Central Project had never bothered to find out how the personnel of the armed forces worked in the cottage.
“When we talk about the capital, it’s not just a city.
The capital of any country is a symbol of the country’s thoughts, determination, strength and culture,” Modi said.
“India is the mother of democracy.
Therefore, the capital of India must be such that the central focus is people,” he said.
The new defense office complex is sophisticated and saving energy, with comprehensive security management measures.
One of the features defining these buildings is the use of new and sustainable construction technology called ‘steel frame gauge’, which reduces construction time from 24-30 months in the case of conventional RCC construction.
Buildings utilize green technology that is resource-saving and promotes environmentally friendly practices.
Modi also said that he was sure that work in the new parliament building would finish on time.
Fourteen offices were transferred to the KG marg complex which had a built-up area of ​​the 4.52 lakh sq foot while 13 offices were transferred to the Avenue African building which had a total area of ​​built-up 5.08 lakh sq, officials said.
(With input from agency)

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