New IT rules limit freedom of thought: HC – News2IN
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New IT rules limit freedom of thought: HC

New IT rules limit freedom of thought: HC
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Bombay High Court on Friday is provided for temporary orders, two public interest litigation (PIL) challenges the validity of the new digital media code of ethics and intermediary guidelines under the rules of information technology, 2021, asking the center “how can the protection under substantive.
Law Brought away by the delegated law? “” You limit freedom of thought …
(in journalistic behavioral norms he said) One must be humble, if he does not, does he have to be punished? “Asked the main court bench Datta and Justice Girish Kulkarni at a detailed Hybrid court hearing.
This raises a few more questions to the central advisor, additional lawyers General Anil Singh who opposes the request for the rules.
The rules have included what is only the guidelines under the Indian Press Council and cable TV cable and make it mandatory, stepping beyond the power of making under the IT law in addition to violating reasonable restrictions permitted under article 19 (2) constitution, debating senior advice from Senior Darius Khambata for digital portal.
He said the rule “Real does not make sense ” and has no goodness of democracy.
The bench also said during hearing,” the Press Council guidelines are behavioral norms.
How can you put it on a compulsory adequate status that is elevated like that? Tell us if you limit it to article 19 (2) (reasonable restrictions on free speech) ”.
Singh said the main complaint of the applicants was to supervise the government but added that the proposed interpretation committee – which could even block public access to content in cases that appear – under the new IT rules have not been notified; The ministry to form it and it is in the final stage of finalization, there are no actions that might occur in any case.
But HC observes, “Afraid of regulations operating in a way given by the rules that will clip their wings under Article 19 (1) (a) (fundamental rights for freedom of speech and expression) is the case of the applicant, it will leave the Damocles sword depending on Their head.
‘Have obeyed the rules.
“Two pills, one with Ashish betray from the digital portal and the other by media Nikhil Wagle said the new rules were intended to control’ online content ‘and would have a cold effect on speech.
Khambata said urgency To stay even more now because the cold effect has been experienced through self-rules.
He is looking for staying at least the rule 9 who calls for compliance with the code of ethics by the publisher.
Singh, for the center, opposes such applications says the rules provide primarily for government rules and government supervision , the committee that has not been regulated.
HC will pass the temporary order until the pill is finally ter Listen to achievements.
Orders will be spoken on August 14.

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