New Nepal PM Appointed by Bahadur Deuba Sher to face the selection of trust today – News2IN

New Nepal PM Appointed by Bahadur Deuba Sher to face the selection of trust today

New Nepal PM Appointed by Bahadur Deuba Sher to face the selection of trust today
Written by news2in

Kathmandu: The newly appointed Nepalese Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba will face the floor test in parliament on Sunday after holding a discussion with the person in his party.
Deuba will look for a voice of confidence at the Meeting of the Sunday Parliament in accordance with the constitutional provisions that asked the new Prime Minister to find a voice of trust within 30 days after his appointment.
“The Minister of Law has registered a proposal to enter a tabling of proposals to test the floor at the Parliament Secretariat.
The newly appointed Deuba PM will take the voice of confidence at today’s meeting,” Shreedhar Neupane, a press adviser who was confirmed to Ani.
Only one week has passed since Deuba was appointed as Prime Minister after the Supreme Court issued Mandamus to remove oil.
Also, the court ordered to summon the lower building meeting within a week accordingly per meeting which was called for 4pm (local time) on Sunday.
The Supreme Court issued orders on behalf of the government to refer to a new home session on July 18 when it passed its verdict on the case of house dissolution last week.
This will be the first meeting of the 275-member low parliamentary house after it was not constitutional dissolved on May 22.
To win the voice of trust, Deuba needs to secure a total of 136 votes at home down.
Until now, there are a total of 271 members in parliament and 50 percent support must require 136 votes for Deuba which he expected from support from the Nepal Madhav Kumar faction of the CPN-UML opposition.
At home, the Nepal congress has a total of 61, the CPN-UML has 121, the Maoist Center has 49, the Janatasamajbadi party has 32, Janamorcha, the Nepalese farmer party each has one seat.
Exit from CPN-UML 98, the Nepalese Farmer Party, RPP and several Janata parties, are expected to choose Deuba.

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