New, updated climate commitment falls far short even though the promise of clean-zero gives hope, report – News2IN

New, updated climate commitment falls far short even though the promise of clean-zero gives hope, report

Written by news2in

Bathinda: United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) The latest 2021 emission report, ‘Lighted Heat’ was released on Tuesday.
It was found that new climate commitments and updated far from what was needed to fulfill the objectives of the Paris Agreement, left the world on track for a global temperature increase of at least 2.7 ° C at the end of this century.
The report found that national contributions determined nationally (NDC) from various countries and other commitments were made for 2030 but has not been delivered in the updated NDC – only takes an additional 7.5 percent of the annual greenhouse gas emissions predicted in 2030, compared with previously rounded commitment.
30 percent reduction is needed to remain on the lane at least 2 ° C and 55 percent for 1.5 ° C, the report said.
Released ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), reports found that net-zero appointments could make a big difference.
If fully implemented, these promises can bring a global temperature increase that is predicted to 2.2 ° C, providing hope that further action can still lead the greatest impact of climate change.
However, zero clean promises are still unclear, incomplete in many cases, and are inconsistent with most NDC.
“Climate change is no longer a problem in the future.
This is the problem now,” said Eger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP.
“To put the opportunity to limit global warming to 1.5 ° C, we have eight years to almost two greenhouse gas emissions: eight years to make a plan, place policy, implement it and finally give a piece.
The hour was beating hard.” On September 30 2021, 120 countries, representing more than half of global greenhouse gas emissions, has communicated new or updated NDCs.
In addition, three G20 members have announced other new mitigation promises for 2030.
To have the opportunity to limit global warming to 1.5 ° C, the world has eight years to take 28 additional gigatons from annual emissions (GTCO2E) and above what is Promised in the updated NDC and other 2030 commitments.
To put this number into perspective, carbon dioxide emissions are expected to reach 33 gigatons in 2021.
When all other greenhouse gases are taken into account, the annual emissions are close to 60 GTCO2E.
So, to have the opportunity to reach the target of 1.5 ° C, we need almost twice greenhouse gas emissions.
Net-zero network – and its effective execution – can make a big difference, the author finds, but the current plan is not clear and not reflected in the NDC, the report said.
If it is fully made and fully implemented, the net-zero target can shave the extra 0.5 ° C of global warming, bringing a temperature increase predicted to 2.2 ° C.
However, many of the national climate plans postpone actions up to 2030, increasing doubts Does zero promises can be sent.
“The world must wake up with the danger we will face as a species,” Andersen added.
“Nations need to place a policy to fulfill their new commitment and start applying it in a few months.
They need to make their zeros promising more concrete, ensuring this commitment is included in the NDC, and the action advancing.
They then need to get the policy to support ambitions This collected and, once again, began implementing it immediately.
It is also important to provide financial and technology support to develop countries – so that they both can adapt to the impact of climate change here and set.
On the path of low emissions growth ” , he said.
Every year, the Emissions GAP report sees the potential of certain sectors.
This year, it focuses on methane and market mechanisms.
Reducing methane emissions from fossil fuels, the waste and agricultural sector can contribute to covering the emission gap and reducing heating in the short term.
The report found that the opportunity to use fiscal rescue and recovery of Covid-19 to stimulate the economy when supporting climate action has been passed in most countries.
Pandemic Covid-19 leads to a decline in Global CO2 emissions by 5.4 percent in 2020.
However, CO2 and non-CO2 emissions in 2021 are expected to increase again to the level only slightly lower than the highest record in 2019.
Only about 20 percent Of the total recovery investment until May 2021 is likely to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
This expenditure, almost 90 percent is calculated by six G20 members and a permanent guest.

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