New York Assembly to suspend the Cuomo Cover Investigation – News2IN

New York Assembly to suspend the Cuomo Cover Investigation

New York Assembly to suspend the Cuomo Cover Investigation
Written by news2in

Albany: The New York State Assembly will suspend the investigation of his impeach to Governor Andrew Cuomo as soon as he descended, the top Chamber Democrats were Friday.
Cuomo announced his resignation on Tuesday on charges of sexual harassment, days after he faced an increase in pressure to resign or face the possibility of being overthrown by the legislature controlled by democracy through an impeachment process.
Cuomo said at that time it would not apply for 14 days, at that time he would be replaced by Lieutenant Govy Hochul.
The United Nations Attorney General released an independent investigation that found Cuomo sexually harassed at least 11 women.
Carl Hease’s speaker said in a statement that the Judicial Committee of the Assembly had heard from his lawyer that it could not conquer and remove selected officials no longer in the office.
However, said Heyie, the proof collected by the committee “Most likely can lead to impeachment articles if he did not resign.” Since March, the lawyer outside has helped the committee conduct extensive investigations about whether there is a reason to put Cuomo, a Democrat.
The announcement came on the assembly day initially set as a deadline for the Cuomo legal team to respond with additional evidence that refutes its allegations of it.
The office and lawyer of Cuomo, Rita Glavin, did not respond to many requests for comments from the Associated Press about whether the governor would comply with the time limit.
“Let me be clear – Committee work over the past few months, although it is incomplete, whether uncovering credible evidence in relation to the accusations that have been made referring to the governor,” Lavin said.
It includes evidence related to sexual harassment, the misuse of state resources together with the publication of the governor’s book about the pandemic, and “disclosure of non-appropriate and misleading nurses’ data data.” In response to legal questions about putting an official who had died remained unclear for several days, several Democrats, including Assembly Member Ron Kim, had urged the Assembly to force Cuomo to prevent him from running again in New York.
Heasie said that she asked the Charles Lavine Justice Committee chair to reverse “to the relevant investigation authority of all the evidence that has been collected by the Committee.” Cuomo faced a sustainable probe from the State Attorney General for an agreement of $ 5 million and from the State Prosecutor, who examined the handling of the death of the nurse house.
State ethical commissioner, which can collect a fine against Cuomo, also looking for a similar problem.
Heathie also quoted “active investigation” by regional district lawyers in Manhattan, Albany, Westchester, Nassau and Oswego about the incident of alleged sexual abuse by Cuomo.
Some women said the governor was inappropriately touching them, including the aide now who said he fumbled his breasts at his official residence, The Executive Mansion, last November.
The assistant, Brittany Commisso, filed a criminal complaint that could lead to a lapping of a mild violation.
Some members of the Judicial Committee, including Democrats Phil Steck and Kenneth Braunstein, said Friday morning that they want the committee at least released their findings to the public.
Heel’s statement did not say whether the committee would still publish his findings.
Spokeson’s Spokeston Mike Whyland did not respond to repeated requests for Friday comments.
HEASIE on Monday estimates the probe has a taxpayer fee for “millions” so far, but does not respond to repetitive requests by AP for estimates.

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