New York is ready to choose EX-COP Black Eric Adams as mayor – News2IN

New York is ready to choose EX-COP Black Eric Adams as mayor

New York is ready to choose EX-COP Black Eric Adams as mayor
Written by news2in

New York: New Yorkers went to the poll on Tuesday Tuesday in the election of the mayor who was almost guaranteed to choose former Black Eric Adams police as the next leader of the largest city in America.
Democrats Centrist is expected to defeat the Republican candidates and volunteer Crime Fighter Curtis Sliwa in the Liberal Election fortress to become the second African who leads Apple big.
New York Mayor is often described as the most difficult job in the United States after the President.
If 61-year-old Adams won, he will replace the unpopular Bill de Blasio, whose two terms ended December 31.
Adams will be assigned to lead the recovery of the city after the pandemic, which has killed more than 34,000 residents and closed hundreds of thousands of businesses.
As the mayor for more than eight million people, he will oversee the largest city budget in America, paralyzed by the Covid-19 crisis, and the largest police and the public school system.
Moderate candidates defeated progressive rivals in the primary of June democracy by particularly promised to take action against crimes of violence that surged during the pandemic.
He promised to overcome wealth inequality and reform the education system, too.
Adams also had to wrestle with the lack of affordable housing, violent chaos in the famous Rikers Island prison and the impact of more extreme weather events in the New York City creaking infrastructure.
One of the most complicated actions of balancing will try to reform the practice of the police while maintaining a very union union who feels less valued during the Era of De Blasio.
Adams opposed opposing the police, a policy which was a cry of rally for many people in America left.
He is also seen as friendly to the business community and has not called for higher taxes for rich residents.
He was born into poverty in Brooklyn in 1960, and was raised in a large family living in the working class in Queens.
His mother was a cleanser, and his father was a butcher.
Adams briefly run the task for gang as a teenager.
When he was 15 years old, he was beaten by two NYPD officers after they arrested him for a criminal offense.
It triggers his determination to join NYPD so he can reform it from inside.
Adams entered the style in the mid-1980s, presented 22 years and went up to become captain.
In 1995, he jointly founded “100 black people in caring law enforcement,” a advocacy group designed to fight against racism in the police and it still exists today.
Adams retired in 2006, won the election to the New York state senate that year.
He served until 2013, when he was chosen as President Borough Brooklyn, provided a jump to his mayor’s ambition.
Adams edited Veganism by reversing the diagnosis of Diabetes 2016 and released a book last year aimed at transferring African-Americans to vegetable eating patterns.
Polling open at 6am and close at 9:00 a.m.
Nearly 170,000 people from around five million registered voters have provided ballots in the initial election.

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