NGO to release the Tamil version of the road safety manual in Jan – News2IN

NGO to release the Tamil version of the road safety manual in Jan

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: Uyir, an NGO formed by the leading industrialist to create an accident-free city, plans to release the Tamil version of the ‘Kutty Cop’ road safety manual in January.
This book will be given to students of class III to VIII of government and government schools to polish them on traffic rules, managing the trustee of Uyir S RajaKaran.
“We want to teach them traffic rules, so they grow into law-abiding citizens,” he said.
The English version of ‘Kutty Cop’ was released in 2019, said RajaSEPAR.
“It was distributed to students from 40 schools.
This book has a cartoon that teaches about traffic signals and worksheets.
Those who completed worksheets will be aware of traffic rules.
This book also contains photos.
One shows cyclists using their cellphones, endangering Life.
“NGOs also plan to release a road safety manual for school teachers.
“The teachers will attend orientation meetings and take classes about road safety for 45 minutes a week,” RajaKarkan added.

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