Nhai mandates monthly construction video recording using drones – News2IN

Nhai mandates monthly construction video recording using drones

Written by news2in

New Delhi: All Projects of the National Highway Contractor (NH) now need to recording video progress using drones to construction solutions for strict service monitoring.
In the case of the project applied under the mode of hybrid (human rights) annuity where private players put their investments, they also need to do video recording every six months during the period of operation and maintenance.
In terms of human rights projects, private players are responsible for the maintenance of stretching for 15 years.
In a recent circle, the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) has made it mandatory for concession holders or private developers of human rights projects to have a website for each project and they must place updates and upload recording monthly drones that those people can see .
According to Round, non-compliance will withdraw the penalty of Rs 5 Lakh.
“The main objective of this provision is to ensure that projects are completed in time and all problems are sorted quickly.
Drone recording can also be used for dispute resolution, during arbitration and in case of court cases because this can be used as evidence,” said an official .
Circular is determined that the project director will check the video drone during a monthly physical inspection, notify the difference between video and observation carried out by the Supervisory Consultant.
The officer concerned will solve the problem by conducting a shared site inspection.
Nhai first used video recording progress for the Delhi-Mumbai toll road project, which has been successful to speed up work.

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