Nia took over the investigation into the Qaeda terror plot above – News2IN

Nia took over the investigation into the Qaeda terror plot above

Nia took over the investigation into the Qaeda terror plot above
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has taken over investigations into the terror plot suspected of executing explosions in Uttar Pradesh in the independence day by Al Qaeda’s arm, Ansar Ghazwat-Ul-Hind (Aguh), reported the pathikrit of Chakraborty.
The terror module broke by the police anti-terrorist (ATS) of the police rose with the arrest of two alleged operators, Minaz and Masiruddin from Lucknow on July 11 and three partners, Mustaquim, Moid and Shakeel on July 14.
Nabbed chairman of a different place in Lucknow.
A senior officer at the police headquarters confirmed that the notification was issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs for the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to take the probe.
Sources at ATS said Nia Sleuth had questioned Minaz and Masiruddin and also searched for all evidence and documents relating to this case.
After a preliminary investigation, Fresh FIR will be submitted by Nia.
During the raid followed by the arrest of terrorial suspects, ATS ATS had won an improvised explosive device (IED) in the form of a pressure stove bomb from the Lucknow residence accused.
During the ATS probe, accusing Minaz and Masiruddin, have claimed to be in touch with Umar Halmandi, Head of Ansar Ghazwat-Ul-Hind (Aguh), the arm of Help Al Qaeda.
Operating at the Pakistani-Afghan border, Halmandi recruited young men for terror operations in India.
The accusation claimed that Halmandi had asked them to identify crowded areas in the state where the explosion could cause maximum damage.

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