Nitish Kumar reaffirmed the demand for caste-based census; urge the center to think about it – News2IN

Nitish Kumar reaffirmed the demand for caste-based census; urge the center to think about it

Nitish Kumar reaffirmed the demand for caste-based census; urge the center to think about it
Written by news2in

Patna: Apart from the center that categorically said in parliament that there was no enumeration other than SCS and STS will be carried out, the head of the head of Bihar Nith Kumar on Saturday reiterated the demand for caste-based census in the country and said the exercise would help in planning The welfare scheme is also for poor people other than Dally.
Kumar said the Bihar Council had passed round resolution twice in 2019 and 2020 supporting the caste-based census and urging the United States to “must think about it.” The JD (U) leader de facto said that even though Caste Census began in 2010 and a report came in 2013 but was never released.
“The caste-based census must be done at least once.
It will be easy for the government to identify poor people other than Dalit and help form a scheme for their welfare,”, Kumar told reporters on the sidelines to submit more than 350 ambulances with the beneficiaries below.
Mukhyamantri Gram Parifahan Yojana (MGPY) here.
His statement came a few days after the union government told the parliament that the center would not mention the caste-wise population besides SCS and STS in the census.
While repliating questions at Lok Sabha on Tuesday, the State Union Minister for the house of Nityanand Rai said, “The government has decided as a policy problem not to mention the caste population and STS in SCS and STS in the census.
According to the constitutional terms, seats are provided for SCS and STS In Lok Sabha and in the assembly proportionally, as far as possible, for their population.
In census, caste and tribes that are specifically informed as scheduled castes and tribes scheduled to be in the order of constitution (schedule) in 1950 and constitutional orders (tribes Scheduled), 1950 (as changed from time to time) mentioned “.
“We have passed the resolution in assembly supporting caste-based censuses in 2019 and 2020.
We also send it to the central government.
We have raised this problem since 1990.
The caste-based census must be carried out at least once for the development and welfare of people who have other than SCS And STS.
The central government must consider it, “Kumar said.
In particular, the caste-based census has become a request, raising time to time, by most OBC politicians in Bihar who owed their increase in the stirring of the 1990s which followed the implementation of the recommendation of the Mandal Commission.
Not surprisingly, arch rivals like Nitish Kumar and then Prasad, who heads Rashtriya Janata Dal, is also on the same page about this problem.
Census on the caste has not been carried out in India after the last in 1931.
In retaliating a question about the alleged tapling of the leading personality in the country using spyware pegasus Israel, he said, “I have stated that this is wrong.
I always state that there are advantages and disadvantages of technology Newer “.
For questions about illegal sand mining and the alleged Nexus between civil servants and sand mafia in the state, Kumar said, “Strict actions will be taken against the wrong government officials.
The state police and the department concerned have started an investigation into the alleged government of officials.” All Police Judges and Supervisors of the Police District have been given strict instruction to maintain the right vigilance in their respective regencies “.
About 20 government officials, including SPS, recently moved for alleged Nexus them with sand mafia in the state.
Request the reaction of the stand The central government that ‘no death due to lack of oxygen has been specially reported by the state / UTS’ during the second wave of Covid-19, the head of the head of Bihar said, “We take all possible steps to be fulfilled.
Medical oxygen requirements for critical pain patients in the government and hospitals appointed by Personally Covid during the second wave of Covid-19 in the state.
“Our government hospital is widely prepared now.
Our hospital in the country is fully prepared for the third possible wave.
The oxygen generation plant is being installed in all district hospitals in the state”.
Meanwhile, handing over more than 350 ambulances to the beneficiaries under the MGPY scheme, Kumar marked 50 new CNG buses that would eliminate the streets of Patna.

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