NMC officials take gifts from contractors, return it – News2IN

NMC officials take gifts from contractors, return it

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Uni Leader, Jammu Anand has alleged that some Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) officials receive expensive prizes from the Padmakar Sakode contractor – a major accused in a fake fraud contract – to bury the deviation and then return after it entered the open.
Corporate Corporator Congress Chaudhary also demanded the elimination of the BJP Corporator Sandip Jadhav from the request committee.
On January 3, TOI has reported the draft letter of the accounts of the Pension Head and Financial Officer Vijay Kolhe who said that the agreement that was worth the crores was completed between several NMC and Sakode officials to bury fraud.
Kolhe has a conversation record between him and Sakode, and several officials.
Now in the ownership of wings of economic violations.
In a press release, Anand said, “company owners who prepare fake contracts and fake files talented electronic goods are expensive for several high-ranking officials because they do not make public fraud.
Officials must return gifts after fraud to become public.
These officials still work in NMC and can affect the investigation.
Therefore, they must be overthrown for investigations carried out in a transparent manner, “he said.
Toi was the first to report about fraud on December 14.
Anand added that even the NMC General Agency tried to save high-ranking officials.
“The general body has the power to direct the pine against officials.
But it only issued a resolution to conduct an investigation by forming a committee.
Nothing was done in the past and a half months,” he said.
In his letter to Commissioner of Radhakrishnan B, Chaudhary said, “Jadhav is the Chairperson of the Standing Committee in 2017-18.
The company’s tariff contract related to Sakoda was approved during his term.
He must be removed from the Demand Committee.
It has been proven that fraud is worth more than Rs 21 Crore.
This case must be forwarded to the state government for the right investigation.
“Vikas City Congress President Thakre has met the Urban Development Minister Eknath Shinde and seeks a government level investigation.

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