No Head of State from Central Asian countries on the Republican Day – News2IN

No Head of State from Central Asian countries on the Republican Day

Written by news2in

New Delhi: Because of a surge in the new novid-19 variants of omicron globally, including India, no head of Central Asian countries who will attend the Indian Republican Day celebration on January 26.
India has sent a formal invitation to the head of state of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan for the Republican Day celebration in New Delhi last year.
“Because Covid-19, we will not have a visit to the Central Asian leader,” said a diplomatic source to Ani.
The invite invite from the five Asian countries on the occasion of the Republic of India reflects the importance of New Delhi to provide middle Asian policy.
Relations with all five central countries with centuries of India.
They also play an important role in terms of cultural, financial, medical tourism activities and strong diplomatic exchanges.
Geographically Central Asian countries surrounded by land and India have advocated better connectivity through the port of Chabahar, among other routes.
In addition, related to the situation in Afghanistan, sending the invitation of the Republican Day by India to the Head of the State of Central Asian countries sent a strong message to neighboring countries too.
In particular, India on Tuesday recorded more than 2.3 cases of Lakh Covid-19 and 310 deaths in the last 24 hours, in accordance with the Ministry of Health Union.
The daily level of peposititivity is above 14 percent.
Meanwhile, Delhi on Monday reported 12,527 fresh Covid-19 cases with a level of participation of more than 27 percent.

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