No milk or water: lack of buyer’s face at the British grocery store – News2IN

No milk or water: lack of buyer’s face at the British grocery store

No milk or water: lack of buyer's face at the British grocery store
Written by news2in

LONDON: The supply chain problem caused by Brexit and Pandemic is very bad for Satyan Patel that shelves in shops in London center very do not have water and soft drinks.
“Last week I ran out of Coca-Cola.
I don’t have a big bottle of evian for three weeks,” Patel said.
“Without products, there is no business.
With empty shelves like this, no one will come in the store,” he added.
Various kinds of businesses have suffered with a few months in England – from milkshakes in McDonald’s to beer in the pub chain to a mattress in IKEA.
But the buyer also overlooks empty shelves for things as a base like water and milk in British supermarkets and grocery stores.
The Coronavirus crisis has greatly disrupted the global supply chain, but British divorce from the European Union late last year has worsened the problem in the UK.
Shops do not get products sent to them as rules that make it more difficult to hire European Union citizens leaving transportation companies with a lack of drastic truck drivers.
Many people returned to their home country of England during the lockout has not returned.
Co-op, a cooperative supermarket group, said it was “influenced by several patchwork distributions” with the shipment but it works with suppliers to return quickly.
The group said it recruited 3,000 temporary workers “to keep the depot working with capacities and stores that were kept as soon as possible”.
According to recent estimates, England currently faces a shortage of around 100,000 Lorry drivers.
“We have decided to reduce our stock because of Covid …
but now we find it difficult to get some products too because they are not available,” Patel said.
In supermarkets near the shop, a slightly short soft drink hallway from the bottle and cans but the other shelves are full.
But the 22-year-Toma sales assistant said the situation is very grim.
“We don’t have stock, we don’t have anything in our warehouse,” said Toma, who refused to give her last name.
“We have gaps everywhere,” he said.
“Sometimes we only accept a certain number (of some products).
We do not even have water.” The shortcomings began when the pandemic hit and became worse after Brexit came into force on January 1, said Toma.
Some customers complain to supermarket staff and “say we can be blamed”, he added.
In other big supermarkets in Southeast London, rare bottles of water and milk are lost from the shelf.
The Frozen Icelandic food group and giant giant Tesco have warned lack of Christmas.
Iceland Head Richard Walker said the company has reduced shipping because it has 100 less drivers than needed.
“Every day we lose around 10 percent of the stock we ordered to our depot,” he wrote on a blog, adding that “when the worst things” supplier of single bread cannot be sent to 130 stores per day.
Lack of goods in the UK “may last for a while and may even intensify further”, according to a note by Capital Economics, a research consultation.
A report this week from the confederation of British industry cites Hargage Road Association said it would take at least 18 months to train drivers of heavy vehicles (HGV) enough to replace those who left.
For CBI, the double effects of Brexit and Covid-19 are “perfect storms”.
The stock level in connection with the expected sales fell more than 20 percent to a record low in the retail sector and distribution in August, according to CBI.
The Group has urged the government to be more flexible on immigration and add to the driver of a skilled truck to the list of professionals who lack workers.
The company and street transportation business depend on shipping offers bonuses and higher wages in an effort to maintain the driver, but the steps have raised concerns that they can contribute to increasing inflation.
Ryan Koningen, a 49-year-old project manager in a company in the city of London, said his colleagues often discussed the situation and “the question of the cost: will they go up because the driver is presented premiums?” He also said he has noticed shortcomings “everyday products”.

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