No need for too much debate about problems such as price increases in this difficult Covid-19 phase, said Nitish Kumar – News2IN

No need for too much debate about problems such as price increases in this difficult Covid-19 phase, said Nitish Kumar

No need for too much debate about problems such as price increases in this difficult Covid-19 phase, said Nitish Kumar
Written by news2in

Patna: Bihar CM Nith Kumar said on Monday because the country passed difficult times due to prolonged Covid-19 pandemic, certain commodity prices would increase and various types of obstacles might appear, but not necessarily and do not need much debate about problems such as Price increases and increased unemployment rates.
Because he was asked whether he would suggest the center to take steps to provide certain assistance to ordinary people after a recent increase at the unemployment rate and often the increase in the price of petroleum products, Nitish said the country had faced Covid -19 pandemics for one and a half years final.
There were already obstacles on several things after the start of the Pandemic.
Naturally, he has given a bad effect on the country’s economic situation.
“Today, the most needed need is how to get the freedom of this pandemic.
Both – the state and state government – work in this direction.
Vaccination runs rapidly in the country.
In Bihar, we have vaccinations so far finished.
4 people crore .
The state and state government state make a major investment to examine the spread of Covid-19.
The state government spends the 10,000 crore Rs at Covid-19 related jobs and help steps, “he said.
CM is talking to media after the program “Janta to Durbar Mein Mukhyamantri”, which was held at the CM Secretariat.
Nitish further said, “At present, the eradication of pandemics is above all our priorities.
Once we forget the pandemic, all kinds of development work will continue with a faster speed and everything will be better.
The works are being carried out, by both governments.
Each step including research and investigations, taken to eradicate pandemic.
Our priority is how to deal with Covid-19.
In such situations, certain commodity prices will increase and other obstacles will also appear.
What can happen one do? I don’t think, for All such problems, there must be an unnecessary and too much debate.
It is all natural consequences in the applicable situation.
“Because he was asked whether he had received a response from the center of the State Political Party to conduct a caste census, Nitish said,” Not so far .
I will tell you as soon as I get information in this matter.
We, D ELEGATION All parties, have met PM Narendra Modi with our request for a wise caste census and I have to say one thing that will benefit (Caste Census) will benefit all parts of society.
“Bihar CM also said that people from all countries now demand a wise population calculation during the upcoming 2021 census.

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