No plans to Render UDF: RSP – News2IN

No plans to Render UDF: RSP

No plans to Render UDF: RSP
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: RSP say secretary A Azeez has denied reports that the celebration was intending to desert the UDF camp.
“It is not appropriate to break away in an alliance, even after reverses ,” he explained.
Flanked by senior party leaders Shibu Baby John and MP N K Premachandran, Azeez told reporters in a press conference on Tuesday which RSP didn’t talk about the demand for departing the Congress-led UDF.
“When there appears such a chance, RSP would choose an suitable decision in the acceptable moment,” he explained.
The leaders stated that the efforts to associate John’s petition for leave from celebration activities for a while shouldn’t be construed as inner rift from RSP.
Premachandran explained the underlying organiational weakness of UDF was among the significant motives for the present rout.

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