Noida: Gnida Drawing Plans for Waterlogging Permanent Solutions on Jalan DSC and Ecotech Sector 3 – News2IN

Noida: Gnida Drawing Plans for Waterlogging Permanent Solutions on Jalan DSC and Ecotech Sector 3

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Greater Noida: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Greater Noida (CEO) on Friday illuminates the plan compiled by the project department for a permanent solution for waterlogging problems near the katesara at Ecotech 3.
While A Pipeline will be placed on the DSC road between Halduni and Katesara From which rainwater will be thrown into Hindon, another plan includes preparing four automatic bun wells in the Ecotech 3 sector which will attract water that is in the water.
These two regions have experienced a puddle of major water during the recent shower and in the past.
While the second cost of the work under the project is estimated at Rs 12 Crore, the tender is ready to be waved next month and the work is expected to be completed at the beginning of next year.
“There are repetitive complaints about waterlogging problems during the Monsun months in the past and also seen during the recent shower in two areas near KULESARA in the DSC Road and in the ecotech sector 3.
This problem has been going on for years.
During my visit.
During my visit In the bathroom recently, I have directed the project department to design a permanent plan with a solution for the problem, “said CEO Narendra Bhoooshan Gnida which added that it became the main connectivity route between Noida, Greater Noida and Dadri, commuters, commuters, facing problems Seriously with water moving in this area.
Therefore, the Gnida project department under the General Manager AK Arora prepared a work plan worth around Rs 12 Crore to eliminate waterlogging in these two places and present it to the CEO.
A separate plan is served for both places.
“In the first case, we have planned that the pipe will be placed on the DSC road between Halduni and Katesara.
From here the rainwater will be thrown into Hindon.
In this case around Rs 4.66, Crore expected shopping,” Arora said.
For the second place, the authority plans to install four automatic bun wells on the side of the road that is not paved.
“In a fewer water cases because it rains, two wells will be activated automatically whereas, if there is excessive water, two wells will begin alone.
Also, these pumps will die automatically when Herlogging lowers while rain water will be removed In Hindon near Lakhnavali.
Estimated fees in this plan are around Rs 7.16 Crore, “Arora said.
While the Bhooshan CEO has given approval to complete these two jobs, the technical department of the Authority will further examine these estimates.
After receiving approval from senior officers about estimates, preparation will be made to start construction work.
“Construction on both plans will begin after completing the tender process in a month,” said BhooShan.
Work is expected to be completed at the beginning of next year.
Arora added that the waterlogging problem will be handled permanently after the second set of these works.

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