North Korea: Popular missiles Tactical fired in the latest tests – News2IN

North Korea: Popular missiles Tactical fired in the latest tests

North Korea: Popular missiles Tactical fired in the latest tests
Written by news2in

Seoul: North Korea said on Tuesday the shootings of “tactical guided missile,” the day after the South Korean military detected North launched two ballistic missiles to the sea.
The Monday test was the fourth round of North Korean missile which was launched this month and the second since his foreign ministry warned stronger and more explicit action after the Biden government last week imposed new sanctions on sustainable northern weapons.
Some experts said North Korean leader Kim Jong PBA revived Pyongyang’s old guidebook to extract concessions from Washington and neighbors as he wrestled with a damaged economy and pandemic difficulties.
Economic setbacks have left Kim with a little showing off their diplomatic efforts with A.S., which slipped in 2019 after America rejected the demands of North Korea for assistance with large sanctions in exchange for part of their nuclear abilities.
The North Korean Korea official news agency said this test was aimed at evaluating missiles that had been produced and deployed.
KCNA said the “precise” missile hit the sea target to confirm “accuracy, security, and system efficiency.” The report did not determine what the missile was.
Kim Dong-Yub, a professor at the University of Seoul, North Korea’s study, said that the media of media stated that the north tested a short distance weapon that looked similar to the appearance with the Amy MGM-140 tactical missile system.
First tested in 2019, this missile is part of North Korea’s short-distance weaponry which experts are intended for extraordinary missile defenses in North Asia.
The missile launch on Friday is another short-range weapon that seems to be modeled after the Russian Iskanister phones ballistic system.
This missile, which has the potential to be nuclear, is designed to maneuver and fly at low altitude, theoretically giving them a better chance to avoid and defeat the missile defense system.
Park Won Gon, a professor at the University of Ehha Womans Seoul, said the northern development and mass production of this short-distance weapon was an important part of the country’s efforts to strengthen its status as nuclear power in the hope of taking a very necessary economic concession.
North Korea has so far rejected the open offer of Biden Administration to continue the conversation, saying that Washington must first leave what Pyongyang is considered a “hostile” policy.
Even if negotiations are continued, it can be impossible to remove all North Korea’s short distance weapons have been produced.
Kim Jong UN is clearly trying to change diplomacy with Washington to negotiate a weapon reduction between nuclear countries and reject every process that will lead to the delivery of unilateral weapons that he sees as a guarantee of the strongest survival, Park said.
Last week, Ministry of Finance A.S.
Imposing sanctions on five North Koreans for their role in obtaining equipment and technology for North Missile programs in response to the initial test of North Korea from recognized hypersonic missiles.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered sanctions against other North Korea, a Russian man and Russian company for their wider support of North Korean mass destruction weapons.
The Biden government also said that it would pursue additional UN sanctions on the northern continuation test.

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