Northwestern heat waves are impossible without climate change – News2IN

Northwestern heat waves are impossible without climate change

Northwestern heat waves are impossible without climate change
Written by news2in

Portland: Deadly heat waves that roast the Pacific northwest and Western Canada are almost impossible without climate change caused by humans who add some extra degrees to temperatures that destroy records, new scientific analysis is found.
The international team consisting of 27 scientists calculates that climate change increases extreme heat opportunities that occur at least 158 ​​times, but the possibility is far more.
This study, Peer has not reviewed, saying that before the industrial era, the heat put in three digits in the region is a type that will not occur in human civilization.
And even in the world of warming today, he said, the heat was the event which was once a millennium.
But once the Milen-in-A-Millennium event is likely that every five to 10 years so the world warms 1.4 degrees (0.8 degrees Celsius), Wednesday’s study of the world’s weather attribution.
That many warm up can be 40 or 50 years if carbon pollution continues at the current speed, said a study writer.
This extreme heat type “will change from basically almost impossible for relatively ordinary,” said study study with Gabriel Vecchi, a Climate scientist at Princeton University.
“That is a big change.” The study also found that in the Northwest and Canadian Pacific, climate change is responsible for around 3.6 degrees (2 degrees Celsius) from hot sting.
Some degrees make a big difference in human health, the study of the co-author of Kristie Ebi, a professor at the Health Center and the global environment at the University of Washington.
“This study tells us the climate change is to kill people,” said Ebi, who bore the heat in Seattle.
He said it would be months before the dead could be counted from the June hot explosion but the possibility of hundreds or thousands.
“Heat is a killer related to American weather.” On Oregon alone, the state medical examiner on Wednesday reported 116 deaths related to heat waves.
The team of scientists used the established and credible methods to find the role of climate change in extreme weather, according to the National Academy of Sciences.
They recorded observations about what happened and gave them 21 computer models and run a lot of simulation.
They then simulate the world without greenhouse gases from coal combustion, oil and natural gas.
The difference between the two scenarios is the climate change section.
“Without climate change, this event will not happen,” said the senior writer Friederike Otto, a climate scientist at Oxford University.
What makes the northwestwaves northwest so extraordinary is how hot it is than the old records and the climate model of what is predicted.
Scientists say this suggests that a kind of greater climate change can play a role – and in places they don’t expect.
“Everyone is really worried about the implications of this event,” said Study Co-Author Geert Jan Van Oldenborgh, a Dutch climate scientist.
“This is something that nothing comes, that no one thinks possible.
And we feel that we don’t understand the heat wave and we think we do it.
The big question for many people is: Could it also happen in many places?” Team Attribution World Weather did this quick analysis, which was later published in the peer-reviewed journal.
In the past, they have found the effect of similar climate change similar in many heat waves, including those in Europe and Siberia.
But sometimes the team finds climate change is not a factor, as they do in Brazilian drought and heat waves in India.
Six outer scientists said the study quickly made sense and might underestimate the extent to which the role of climate change in a heat wave.
That’s because the climate model used in the simulation usually underestimates how climate change changes the jet flow that parks “hot dome” above the area and causes several heat waves, said Pennsylvania Climate Scientist at Michael Mann University.
The models also underestimated how the ground was deteriorating because there was less water to evaporate, which feeded the drought cycle of demons, said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at UCLA and Consancy Nature.
This study hit the house for climate scientists of Victoria Andrew Weaver University, which was not part of the research team.
“Victoria, known as its lightweight climate, feels more like Death Valley last week,” Weaver said.
“I’ve been in many hot places in the world, and this is the worst I’ve ever visited.” But you haven’t seen anything, “he added.” It will be much worse.

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