Norway PM to retreat, labor leaders are expected to take over – News2IN

Norway PM to retreat, labor leaders are expected to take over

Norway PM to retreat, labor leaders are expected to take over
Written by news2in

Copenhagen: Prime Minister Norwegian Erna Solberg said on Tuesday he would resign as head of government three parties, a minority center after the left tilted block won the parliamentary election last month.
The leader of the Norwegian Labor Party, Jonas Gahr Stoere, is expected to take over this weekend.
60-year-old Solberg, the head of the Norwegian Conservative Party, was overthrown after two years of four years when his party lost nine seats in the September 13 election.
He will remain as the leader of the board until the Stoere Gahr has presented a new government team for two parties, the middle left coalition.
“Eight years was a long time,” Solberg told reporters after he submitted a letter of resignation to the Monarch, King Harald, as required by the Constitution.
“He accepted it and urged him to ask Jonas Gahr to form Jonas Gahr.
A government.” In Norway, the prime minister who came out only announced his departure when other party leaders were ready to form a new cabinet.
In 2013, Solberg became Norwegian secondary female minister.
He first led a minority government of two parties with anti-immigration with anti-immigration with anti-immigration with anti-immigration with anti-immigration.
Party progress.
Twice enlarged – first in 2018 with a liberal party and a year later with a small Christian Democratic Party and later became the majority government.
However, in January 2020, the Populis progress party withdrew from the coalition, leaving Solberg to lead the three parties, the government minority with its own conservatives, the Christian Liberal Centrist and Democratic Party.
Stoere Gahr, 61, is ready to lead the government with the Euroseptic Central Party, the third largest, which is expected to look for a majority in stortinget 169 seats.
He is expected to decipher the coalition political platform on Wednesday and the cabinet lineup the following day.
The discovery of oil and gas in Norway ‘waters in the 1960s changing Scandinavian countries is one of the richest countries in the world, with a strong welfare system and a high standard of living.
This is not a member of the European Union but trades closely with block 27 countries.
Norwegian oil wealth helps to resist the European financial crisis and maintain low unemployment.
The oil industry is the largest industry in the country, responsible for more than 40% export and directly employs more than 5% of workers.

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