Not. I knocked, claiming Rahul; BJP brave him to allow probes – News2IN
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Not. I knocked, claiming Rahul; BJP brave him to allow probes

Not. I knocked, claiming Rahul; BJP brave him to allow probes
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New Delhi: Claiming that the Intelligence Bureau officer told him that his phone was being tapped, Rahul Gandhi on Friday accused Narendra Modi MODI in betrayal to lurking the opposition and institutional, interesting Riposte which was strong from the Congromic Party who demanded that the members of the Congrom submit to the investigator’s agent The right investigation can be done.
Rahul reiterated his request that the Minister of Home Affairs Amit Shah was expelled from the cabinet and the investigation of the Supreme Court was carried out on PM.
“I got a phone call from the IB people who tapped my cellphone and they told me that we tapped your cellphone.
My security people told me that they had to do a question and answer to the elderly what I said.
So, I don’t Have my telephone illusion.
Not tapped, “he said.
Immediately after Rahul’s comments, BJP spokesman Rajyavardhan Rathore told reporters, “If Rahul Gandhi thought the phone was being tapped, he had to submit his call to competent agents so that the action was taken according to the IPC.” Rathore mocked the allegations of Rahul, said, “I don’t think even a junior copywriter will use the Congress leader cellphone because the device can’t have something original.” “There is no telephone or any gadget that is illegally recorded and if someone feels so, they must seek assistance from agents to act according to land law.
Land Law applies in India.
If anyone doubts that a nation does it do it illegally, So he can complain and legitimate action will be taken.
We will now wait for Rahul Gandhi to deposit the phone for an investigation to continue, “Rathore said.
Speaking to reporters after participating in the opposition protest against the alleged Pegasus lurking in the Parliament Complex, Rahul said Israel had classified Pegasus as a weapon to fight terrorists but the Indian government had used it against national institutions and to stop the investigation of the Rafale agreement.
He said the CBI director’s phone was then tapped when he would stay fir in Rafale and he was squeezed.
“Only PM and the Minister of Home Affairs who can ratify Pegasus use,” he said.
Rathore said the Congress had produced reconnaissance problems because it was determined to stop parliament because one or another reason after being rejected twice by the people.
“We are very aware of his record in Parliament,” said the former Minister of Union in exploring Rahul for a frequent absence of Lok Sabha, where he represents the selection of Wayanad.
He often went abroad on vacation during the Monsun session, said Rathore, added that the former Head of Congress now did not allow parliament to function for the reason “produced”.
Drawing a link between the alleged Pegasus lurking in the director of the CBI then related to the Rafale agreement, Rahul said it was clear that there was a “gross theft” in an agreement and eventually it would come out that PM was personally involved in corruption.
Claiming that he was not intimidated by this government’s actions, Rahul said, “If you are corrupt, you will be afraid of Modi, but if you are not corrupt, you will not be afraid.” You will only laugh.
“AICC spokesman Pawan Khera accused the relationship between” Snooping Scandal “and a steep leap in the National Security Council Secretariat budget.
He said the grant rose from Hospital 33 Crore in 2017 to RS 333 Crore in 2018 with the head of the additional research and development of cyber security, noting The period coincides with the start of Snooping.

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