Not really hope about improvement in Indo-Pak Relationship: Ex-Pakistan Ambassador Abdul Base – News2IN

Not really hope about improvement in Indo-Pak Relationship: Ex-Pakistan Ambassador Abdul Base

Not really hope about improvement in Indo-Pak Relationship: Ex-Pakistan Ambassador Abdul Base
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The former Ambassador of Pakistan for India Abdul Basit said on Friday he did not expect the increase in Indian-Pakistan’s current relations and the two countries could move forward only when they developed the courage to make difficult decisions.
“I don’t really hope, under the conditions given, about this relationship.
We may have – one year on the road – several processes on the spot but unless there are some desires to move forward firmly, there is no room for any increase in relationships, “He said.
“We have seen our hostility also reflecting in Afghanistan,” said Basit during a webinar titled ‘India-Pakistan: Is there a way forward?’, Organized by Think Global Tank Counter Council of Terrorism (GCTC).
“How ironic in Doha, Qatar was forced to arrange two separate meetings where India and Pakistan were present.
Have come to this feed that our two countries cannot sit in a meeting – where the two countries are associated with it to Afghanistan,” said the pass.
India has been on Thursday joining regional conclaves organized by Qatar in Doha to discuss ways to load increased situations in Afghanistan in the background of continuous attacks throughout the country.
Basit said that as India and the US fostered their strategic partnerships, Pakistan, clearly, had a strategic partnership with China.
“It negatively affects Pakistani-Indian dynamics too,” he added.
Calling the current situation “demoralization”, the basement says South Asia will remain hostage to Pakistan-Indian hostility.
“We will not be able to take advantage of the opportunities released by globalization.
It is unfortunate that intra-regional trade continues to be below 5 percent,” he said.
Basit said he had come to the conclusion that no matter which approach was adopted at the end of the day, the relationship between Pakistan-India would continue to be held hostage to each other except and until “we found a solution to our core problems – and there must mention the clock and Kashmir disputes” .
He said some people did not agree with him and they still believe might be the best way forward is taking baby steps, and trying to have a pleasant environment through steps to build trust, contact people-to-people, economic relations, economic relations, etc.
“But our experience told us that we had tried all of these things in the past and nobody really succeeded, so we tried the steps to build trust related to Kashmir in 2005-2007.
Even the steps for the development of confidence It has been decomposed.
Time, “he said.
He said there was no appetite in Pakistan to be truly “involved with India for talks for talks” especially after the steps taken by India on August 5, 2019, with respect to Jammu and Kashmir.
The Government of Narendra Modi on August 5, 2019 revoked the special status of the Jammu and Kashmir and divided the ertama countries to the union area.
“Even though there are some channel interactions back, and we see as a result, there are recommendations on the ceasefire along the control line (LOC).
But …
we again look for possibilities.” Basit mentioned.
After the talks between the Directors of the Indian and Pakistan military operations on a hotline, a joint statement was issued on February 25, 2021, in which the two countries agreed to strict obedience to all the agreements, understanding and ceasefire along the LOC and all other sectors with the effects of the middle Night 24-25 February, 2021.
There is no doubt that diplomacy is a possible art, he said.
“But unless there is a reciprocal desire, political will and both parties must have the courage to make a decisive difficult decision, I do not see how the two countries can move forward,” he said.

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