Not Talk by the US for Military Base in Pakistan: NSA Yusuf – News2IN

Not Talk by the US for Military Base in Pakistan: NSA Yusuf

Not Talk by the US for Military Base in Pakistan: NSA Yusuf
Written by news2in

Islamabad: Pakistani National Security Advisor Moeed Yusuf has said that no officials or members of the US parliament requested a military base in Pakistan, rejecting the report that the Biden government was looking for an American military base in the country to influence developments in Afghanistan.
Yusuf made a comment when he wrapped a trip of 10 days to the US.
He met a senior official during his visit before leaving for Islamabad, the Dawn newspaper reported on Saturday.
“The word base was not mentioned, even once, during our conversation, except in the media,” Yusuf told Pakistani journalists based in us while summarizing the visit.
“The base was not discussed at all from both sides during this trip because we had made our position clear.
The chapter was closed,” he said.
Prime Minister Imran Khan in June ruled out the host of the American base in Pakistan for military action in Afghanistan who torn war, fear it might cause his country “targeted in revenge attacks” by terrorists.
Previous reports to us and Pakistan media claimed that the Biden government was looking for military bases in Pakistan to influence the development in Afghanistan, especially if the Taliban confiscated Kabul.
At the recent Congress hearing, US officials did talk about using Pakistani airspace to reach Afghanistan and have a base in the region but did not say where.
Underpointing Pakistan’s desire to maintain good relations with the US and China, Joseph said, “If there is tension between the United States and China, we cannot say that our relationship with both will remain smooth.” The latest reports in US media have suggested that Afghanistan and China are two main obstacles in rebuilding close relations between Pakistan and the US.
According to the report, Washington wants Islamabad to use the Taliban takeover in Kabul.
The US policy maker also wants Pakistan to join the US-led alliance to hold back the influence of China that developed in the region.
Commenting on this, Yusuf said that Pakistan did not see this as a “zero-sum game, both with China or with China.” Pakistan has, and wants to maintain, good relations with both, he added.
“In fact, our location gives us the opportunity to play a key role in promoting good relations between the United States and China, as we did in 1970,” he said.
NSA said that Pakistan wants America to remain involved in Afghanistan and to continue to play a major role, such as what happened in the past.
“Actually, we think the total US withdrawal will have a negative impact on the whole area,” he said.
“Pakistan distributes US aspirations for peace and stability in Afghanistan,” he said.
Insisting that the two countries have the same goal, “achieving political settlements in Afghanistan,” said Pakistani officials, “the difference in the methodology.
And that’s why we decided to remain engaged.” Afghanistan had seen an uptick in violence by the Taliban after the announcement of US President Joe Biden from the withdrawal of American and NATO troops on August 31.
However, Dawn reported that Joseph, however, acknowledged that there were differences between Pakistan and the current government in Kabul, especially because “they continued to give an offensive statement about Pakistan.” While Kabul claimed that Islamabad sent thousands of militants to fight in a war-hit by a war and provide a safe place for the Taliban, Pakistan accused that the Afghan port, the anti-Pakistani Tehreek-e-Taliban group – and also the Secretary of Balochistan forces.

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