Note revealed that the non-BJP parliamentarians from Jharkhand had all attended home sessions – News2IN

Note revealed that the non-BJP parliamentarians from Jharkhand had all attended home sessions

Written by news2in

Ranchi: The non-BJP parliament from Jharkhand has recorded a poor presence than their BJP colleagues.
While most BJP parliamentarians, both at home and above, have maintained an average absence of 80%, the non-BJP MPS barely touched a 60% sign.
JMM Patriarch Shibu Soren has the poorest record of the presence of 48% at home.
The numbers assumed the significance when Prime Minister Narendra Modi reportedly expressed concern about the presence of parliamentarians during the session while overcoming the BJP parliamentary committee meeting in New Delhi on Tuesday.
Of the 20 parliament – 14 at Lok Sabha and six in Rajya Sabha – from Jharkhand, Three – Arjun Munda, Annapurna Devi and Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi – are ministers in the government and thus freed from marking their presence.
Of the 17 remaining parliamentarians, 12 came from BJP and Nishikant Dubey from Godda added to a list with a 93% presence during the session.
Sources from Lok Sabha’s website and PRS legislative research records, the national average presence of parliamentarians at Lok Sabha is 81%.
The worst actor among BJP MPs was PN Singh from Dhanbad with a 78% presence, with all the others remained in this range.
At home too, Poddar Mahesh BJP with the presence of 92% at the top of the list and the way above the 79% national average attendance.
Of all 17 parliamentarian members from Jharkhand, Gurui has attended less than 50% of the top home session.
Besides him, four members of the non-BJP parliament – three at home down and one at home – have not been serious in attending a session.
Geeta Koda from Congress and Vijay Hansdak JMM has marked 60% of attendance at Lok Sabha while Dheeraj Prasad Sahu has attended 69% of sessions.
Ajsu Party Lone MP, Chandra Prakash Choudhary, with the presence of 75% at home below is also below the national average of 81%.
Both JMM and Congress have justified a bad presence and defending their parliament.
Congress President Rajesh Thakur said their parliamentarians did not believe in posture.
“Geetjaji and Dherajji spend more time in their constituencies because they understand that no constructive is done sitting at home,” he said.
Thakur questioned the BJP parliamentarian from Jharkhand about the relevance of their good presence.
“What’s the point of sitting in parliament if they can’t get a separate Sarna code problem included in the census register or forcing the government to overcome price increases?” He asked.
Expressing similar views, JMM Central Secretary General Supriyo Bhattacharya accused the BJP government in the subverting centers of the democratic process in parliament.
“What’s the point of attending a session when the government applies and revokes the bill without discussion?” He asked.

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