Notification to Delhi Lab to notify 2 Covid patients to Ghaziabad – News2IN

Notification to Delhi Lab to notify 2 Covid patients to Ghaziabad

Written by news2in

Ghaziabad: The Ministry of Health has issued a notification to the private lab in Delhi because of notification of the two wrong Covid patients, both the population of national capital, to Ghaziabad.
It is said that incorrect information can inhibit tracking and detention exercises.
The Ministry of Health also sucks the Delhi government about this, urging him to look into this problem and take action against the laboratory.
A total of seven Covid cases were reported on Monday, where two were the old cases notified by the Health Department of GB Nagar, three reported by a private lab based in Delhi.
However, further investigation revealed that two patients were Delhi residents and only one from the Ramprastha Ghaziabad area.
When the Ministry of Health tested the sample of parents of Ghaziabad patients, and they were found positively.
In addition, the five patients were related and recently went to Ladakh on the way.
Ghaziabad District Supervision Officer Dr.
RK Gupta said, “There is a risk of disseminating infection due to lab errors.
According to government guidelines, special care must be taken in mentioning the name and address of infected people, so the chain can be broken.
Even though it has the exact residential evidence of two Delhi patients , The lab tells the health department of Ghaziabad about them.
This is a big hose because the Delhi government will not know about them and therefore there is no cluster detention practice to be carried out.
“Names and infected addresses have also been sent to the Delhi Government so that Their contacts can be done.
Gupta warned people about the journey so far during the year when viral fever and other infections increased.
“In most possibilities, five members of two families (three of Ghaziabad and two of Delhi) have been contracted Covid during the trip.
We have sent samples from the three Ghaziabad patients for genomic sequencing.
At present, they are in house isolation.
Two of them Vaccinated and the third is minor, “he added.
The health department now conducts tests from those who come into contact with the family.
It was being investigated about who family members met and those who came to their home after the trip.
Along with family, neighbors are also being tested.
A total of 26 positive cases have been reported in this month’s district on 1.1 lakh tests.

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