November air quality is worse than the same period last year – News2IN

November air quality is worse than the same period last year

November air quality is worse than the same period last year
Written by news2in

Nagpur: City air quality has significantly deteriorated this year compared to last year’s winter days.
According to experts, some reasons are responsible for relegation including the appointment of Covid-19 locking, rampant increases in construction activities, wind flow and an increase in open campfire trends in open hotels.
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) data revealed that in November and December last year, Nagpur air quality was under ‘satisfying’ category.
Usually, air quality during the winter deteriorates due to temperature inversion.
Because of this, the atmospheric mixing capacity decreases and particle material is not scattered during the winter.
After having a clean winter last year, air quality has now gone to the ‘poor’ and ‘moderate’ category this month.
The latest CPCB data shows that in most days, the air quality index has more than 100, which can cause breathing uncomfortable for people with lungs, asthma and heart disease.
December 4 saw the dirtiest air when the AQI level reached 174.
Experts have linked various reasons for decreasing air quality.
“Last year during this time, the city has a lock that caused improving air quality.
Now with an increase in vehicle movements, construction activities and other sources, high air pollution levels,” said Kaustav Chatterjee, founder of the Green Vigil Foundation.
Showing climate change, the founder of the Sustainable Development Center (CFSD) Leena Buddhhe said, “Also, even though many people in Nagpur, including citizenship officials believe that heat-power plants do not contribute to the level of air pollution, I am different from this opinion because I have seen this Near.
Alarming pollution without checking old plants that are still running.
20% Fly Ash is being released through a stack.
“Apart from this, the burning of open garbage in many regions also contributes to pollution.
“The main contributors are 2.5 and 10 material particles and open combustion are one of the main sources.
At present, most of the open restaurants in City offer a small bonfire for each table that also adds particles,” said Surabhi Jaiswal Environmental Activist.
As reported by TOI, AQI is calculated based on air quality data only one civil line.
“This is the cleanest and greenest Nagpur area.
Aqi from other polluted areas will almost double,” Chatterjee said, adding that meteorological conditions also played a role in air pollution.
“Last year, the wind flow was calmer,” he said.

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