Now, all covid + ves are in institutional isolation – News2IN

Now, all covid + ves are in institutional isolation

Now, all covid + ves are in institutional isolation
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Immediately after five positive covid-19 patient samples treated at the hospital in July were found positive for the Delta + variant, Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) in action on Thursday.
Civic’s body has made institutional isolation mandatory for all positive covid-19 patients, regardless of whether they are symptomatic or not.
Orders issued on Thursday night stated that there would be no house isolation for any patient next.
“The NMC Covid Care Center is in MLA Hostel.
Patients may be accepted at NMC hospitals managed by NMC or in the Government and Hospital Medical College (GMCH) or Mayo (Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital).
They can be accepted at the hospital Private as well, “reading orders that clearly stated that no Covid-19 patients would stay at home now.
The decision has raised a mixed response from a city doctor.
Some of them call this “unscientific” at the temporary stage of a few of them, most of them are related to Covid-19 task force, supporting the decision by saying that there is nothing wrong in becoming an overprotective instead of careless.
“NMC behaves as if we are in 2020.
We don’t have a lot of multiplication that happens to induce dramatic mutations.
This step will cause unnecessary fears among people and prevent them from testing RT-PCR,” said the disease specialist transmitted from nitin shinde.
He added, “NMC prefers to focus on vaccination.
It is a well-known fact that 65% of people infected with Delta + in Maharashtra are not vaccinated.
If we vaccinate more people, it will provide better protection and normal life, “And said that there were no variants reports that appeared even in Kerala, where the large multiplication of the virus was reported.
The source at the NMC Health Department claimed that five Delta + patients found in Nagpur had a slightly different surge protein compared to typical Delta + variants.
So, it was decided to take precautions.
“It is recommended in the state protocol that the regional government must stop house isolation.
We have decided to implement it now,” the official said.
Ravindra Sarnaik, who is a member of the Covid task force, said there was no problem in too protective.
“We must understand that the Covid Hospital Treatment Center is not prison.
It is our social responsibility to remain in isolation to avoid the spread of further disease,” he said, it is interesting that people should not assume this as a panic signal.
Other members of the task force say that this can only be a temporary step and cannot be sustainable in the long run, if the case rises.
Sequencing genomes are regular exercise and it takes 4-6 weeks to get results.
The results of the sample sent in June-July arrived with a batch-wise.
Sequencing genomes not only detects Delta or Delta + variants, but also other variants such as Alpha, Beta, Kappa etc.
In Mumbai, positive samples for Alpha and Kappa variants have been detected so far.
Not only Delta + enough scientific evidence available that Delta + is no more dangerous than Delta Different variants – Alpha, Kappa etc.
are also detected in the genetic geneming of the mutation of the integral part of the viral life cycle, and will continue to control viral doubling in this stage vaccination people must be tested to detect asymptomatic carriers

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