NU Senate witness storm debate more than 50:50 exam scheme – News2IN

NU Senate witness storm debate more than 50:50 exam scheme

NU Senate witness storm debate more than 50:50 exam scheme
Written by news2in

Nagpur: The Nagpur University Senate meeting on Friday witnessed a storm debate in the circle issued by him, asked college to conduct the first, third and fifth semester exam from undergraduate courses.
Members asked NU Top Brass led by Chancellor Chaudhari’s representative to withdraw circular and table problems once again on the academic council for a wider consensus.
The problem is not new to the university because the predecessor of Chaudhari also introduced a similar scheme to call it a “50:50 exam system”, which he had made his dream project when he took over in 2015.
However, because of the rigid opposition of affiliated colleges, The scheme never saw light on the lim..
-Year tenurie last year.chaudhari tried to bulldoze the scheme and managed to clean it from the academic council and board board (BOD) based on the thin numbers of Shikshan Manthan and the nominated members.
However, it was again about the obstacles after members of the Senate, especially those who were selected, fiercely opposed VC’s move.
Opposing the problem, the veteran member of Baban Taywade, who plays a role in opposing it when Kane is VC, saying poor students will eventually suffer if the college will eventually suffer.
Hiked test costs.
He explained about the beliefs of students in the NU exam compared to college.
“There will be a big difference in the exam score conducted by universities and colleges, because the latter tends to show punishment to students.
We need a broader consensus on this problem before it is implemented,” he said.
With his view, Ajit Jachak demanded to attract NU notifications.
Other members, including Chetan Kumar Masram, Dhanshree Borikar, Manmohan Bajpayee, Sharayu Taywade, and Praveen Udapure also raised various points related to the topic during the last marathon discussion explaining that many universities such as Mumbai have implemented a system for years where he only Perform last year’s paper while the first and second year exam was held at the college level.
He added that under the ‘new education policy’, the government also brought the same pattern where universities would have more autonomy.
Citing AICTE guidelines, he further explained that the APEX body promoted autonomy among universities so that they could accommodate the latest changes in this industry.Taywade and others strongly against his arguments by clarifying that Mumbai and NU could not be compared with a big difference between the number of students and college.
They questioned who would set and evaluate papers where there were major shortages and teachers who qualified and PhD in all universities and even the NU Department.
They added that professional universities could not be compared to traditional programs that offer art, trade, and science, as the majority of students from the Lower Society Study strata there.
About the 50:50 Exam Scheme, Third Semester Exam & Fifth | To be done by ColleGessecond, the fourth & sixth semester exam | What will be carried out by the Universitynu Flact Actresion statement about ‘Indian’s Independence’the Nu Senate condemned the statement made by Bollywood Star Kangana Ranana on Indian independence.
However, his name was removed at the request of NU administration.
Members submit any efforts to damage the state democratic system by anyone.
Ranaut has created a storm in his last interview to the news channel which states that Indian independence in 1947 was not real freedom, but whether ‘Bheekh’ and real freedom was achieved after 2014.
Sheram Dinesh was first mentioned about the proposal after Taywade raised this problem asking for a chair raise a statement like that.

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