NZ Covid Case Drop for the second day in the middle – News2IN

NZ Covid Case Drop for the second day in the middle

NZ Covid Case Drop for the second day in the middle
Written by news2in

Wellington: The New Zealand government on Tuesday reported that the Covid-19 case had just dropped for the second day, down to 49, in the middle of the strict class of country conducting the last epidemic this month.
Except for a small number of cases in February, New Zealand was mainly free of Coronavirus for months, until the Delta variant outbreak imported from Australia pushed Ardern to order national shots on August 17.
The total number of cases in the plague was 612, with 597 in the largest auckland city in New Zealand and 15 in the capital of Wellington.
Decreased the number of cases of daily signals that social restrictions reduce the spread of a very contagious Delta variant, said Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at a press conference.
“We have a second day where our number has declined.
We want the tail of this outbreak as short as possible,” said Ardern.
About 1.7 million aucklanders will remain in the tight level 4 lockdown for two more weeks, while restrictions for the rest of the country will subside slightly from Wednesday.
The police put inspection posts on the outskirts of Auckland to ensure no non-essential movements were allowed to enter the city.
The police also said they had arrested 19 people on Tuesday after anti-locking protests throughout the country.
Now there are 33 people at the hospital from the latest Delta outbreak, Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield said, with eight cases in stable conditions in intensive care.
“I’m looking at six cases in the outbreak of under the age of one year,” he said but he added that public health steps at the place slowing the spread of the virus and the case would continue to decline.
Ardern locking, along with closing the international border from March 2020, credited with Reining in Covid-19.
However, the government is now facing questions for delayed vaccine launches, as well as increasing costs in a country that depends on immigrant workers.
More than a quarter of the population has been fully vaccinated so far, the slowest step among rich countries from OECD grouping.

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