OBC tags for transgender opposed – News2IN

OBC tags for transgender opposed

OBC tags for transgender opposed
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The National Commission for the Backward class is studied to conflict with the government’s steps to include transgender in the OBC Central List, with the majority of its members who do not know that the proposal exceeds the principle of mandal classification received.
Government proposals will enable transgender to take advantage of 27% mandal reservation allowances in work and education.
Responding to the cabinet records transferred by the Ministry of Justice and Social Empowerment, sources say that NCBC members argue that transgender cannot be classified in the OBC list as a block, but must be assigned to the community list that individual transgenders are born in.
In a recent meeting to discuss the proposal, the members argue that a transgender born in the caste family scheduled to be included in the SCS list, if born in the family of tribes scheduled by someone must be classified as st, and only it was born in the OBC family must be included in the OBC center list.
It has been said that transgender is not “class”, but is a “medical and gender condition”, and the gender quota cuts various categories.
“Castle is assigned by birth, and thus anyone born in a community must be given the benefits of reservation in the community,” said a NCBC member, arresting the opinion of three members of the Commission.
Negative opinion seems to come from the belief that including the new community (transgenders) in the OBC list will eat into the benefits of reservations from existing back castes.
However, sources say one member in NCBC has been out of supporting government proposals, sucking it as a “progressive step” that will provide social protection to the most marginalized social groups.
Sudha Yadav was studied to argue that there were only a few Lakh transgenders in the country and the inclusion in the OBC list dealing with the crores population would not make a lot of differences in the fate of existing manufian recipients.
Clashes have stopped opinions from being submitted to the Ministry, and still with NCBC, said the source.

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