Odisha: Bed Island is an attraction for tourists – News2IN

Odisha: Bed Island is an attraction for tourists

Written by news2in

Sambalpur: People who visit the Hirakud Dam Reservoir will soon be able to live at a glimpse of the Unexplored Bat’s island, the Mahanadi Sungai Island which is home for more than a thousand bats.
Visiting this island is part of the ‘Hirakud Cruise’ which will be launched by the Department of Forest and the state of the state government.
Bat Island is about 10 kilometers from the zero point of the Hirakud Dam and only one kilometer from Debigarh Eco-tourism.
We have to take a 20-minute boat from zero the point of the Hirakud Dam to reach the island, which is near the village of Mahutalu and around 20 to 25 fishermen families have lived in the village.
During the summer, when water dries, Mahultalu Village is connected to the island of Bat and someone can walk to the patch of land on the river.
Dense forests are on the island where sunlight rarely reaches and there is darkness on the island even during the day.
Because of nocturnal bats and they rested during the day in addition to avoiding sunlight, the island, which spread to around 2 hectares, has become a place to nest and rest from hundreds of bats.
Another reason behind the bat in droves to the island is the tranquility of that place.
Moreover, the bat, which rested during the day in the trees in reverse conditions, also get a lot of prey on the island.
Division Forest Officer (DFO), Division Wildlife Hirakud, Anshu Pragyan Das said, forest officials had registered 12 fishermen families for the island conservation.
Eco-tourists can see bats from a distance without causing any disturbance accompanied by a friendly guide that is well-trained to be well-trained ‘Odyssey’ and ‘Hirakud Cruise’ started at the Hirakud Dam Reservoir.
Binoculars will be given to tourists to watch the bat, he said.
Many villages besides agricultural land and sinking hills after the Hirakud dam was built.
The place, called Bat Island, was a hill and it became an island after water surrounded it to follow the construction of the Hirakud dam.

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