Odisha: BeMC brings oxygen concentrators to people’s doorsteps – News2IN

Odisha: BeMC brings oxygen concentrators to people’s doorsteps

Odisha: BeMC brings oxygen concentrators to people’s doorsteps
Written by news2in

BERHAMPUR: The Berhampur Municipal Corporation (BeMC) has provided the much-needed support to Covid-19 patients in home isolation by supplying oxygen concentrators at their doorsteps.
It has also come to the rescue of those who required oxygen even after recovering from Covid-19.
“We reached out to at least four Covid patients in the city in the last week,” BeMC commissioner Sidheswar Baliram Bondare said.
They had booked the concentrators in advance through the online portal of the state government.
They were suffering from post-recovery complications and were in desperate need of oxygen, he added.
The state government launched the doorstep delivery of oxygen initiative in all five corporation areas, including Berhampur, on June 6.
The other urban areas include Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Sambalpur and Rourkela.
The commissioner said one has to do a registration and make a booking in the state dashboard of the government for the oxygen concentrator.
Before delivery, the rapid response team (RRT) of the BeMC visits the patient’s home to verify the requirement of oxygen.
If the condition of the patient is critical, the team refers him or her to the hospital,” he explained.
He added that the four persons, who received the oxygen concentrators, were in good condition.
The civic body has as many as 225 concentrators.

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