Odisha BJP passes the resolution to work on six main political problems – News2IN

Odisha BJP passes the resolution to work on six main political problems

Odisha BJP passes the resolution to work on six main political problems
Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha BJP passed the resolution in his executive body meeting held here on Monday to work on six major political problems.
This will develop a plan to increase the problem for the improvement of Odisha people.
The leaders said they would take this fight for justice with the logical end.
The Petroleum Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan while attending the meeting appealed to BJP workers to make their services as political and social workers for the development of odiah 4.5 crore.
They must increase the problem of people before the government, he added.
This plan has prepared a road map for the next three months to corner the state government led by BJD.
In the meeting, leaders discussed the encouragement of Covid vaccinations from the state government and failure in testing, tracking and caring for covid patients.
They are very important about less government testing and hiding mortality.
The meeting managed by the State President Samir Mohanty discussed the condition of the Genting Farmer in the country because of the government’s sluggish attitude in the procurement of rice.
“The state government has convinced farmers to buy Ravi Paddy at the end of this month.
Let’s see if the government holds rice from the farmers (whose tokens have slipped).
Seeds must be distributed among farmers on time.
We will continue our struggle for the para Farmers, “he added.
He said people were not happy with the state government for hiking power rates.
“Un scheduled power cuts have become a big problem in the state.
We have passed the resolution on this problem and will be raised in the right forum,” he added.
The leaders said the Pradhan Mantri waswas Yojana (PMAY) was the central lead program, but the state government worked on pens and paper.
“Houses have been allocated to people based on party lines.
BJD party workers get Pmay’s house,” a leader said at the meeting.
Bhrugu Baxipatra, Vice President of the State, said the center had gave sanctions RS 4400 Crore last year to work to provide work to migrant workers during Covid-19 time.
“But the machine is used for MGNREGA work in place of workers.
BJD leaders benefit from this,” he added.
BJD has criticized BJP leaders for telling the stories of ‘imaginary in the meeting of the executive body.
“BJP becomes frustrated and aimlessly after dealing with defeat in the election of the West Bengal Assembly.
Odisha has done a good job in managing Covid situations.
Our country has received awards for better performance in rural housing and MGNREGA.
I think the BJP leaders don’t realize This, “said BJD spokesman Elina Das.

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