Odisha: Naveen Patnaik Govt in Spot After Murder Teacher in Goddown – News2IN

Odisha: Naveen Patnaik Govt in Spot After Murder Teacher in Goddown

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Bhubaneswar: The murder of a school teacher in the district of Legal on October 8, whose complaints lost by his family was originally not entertained by the police, has invited the attention of sustainable opposition as before in the state.
BJD is in place when the country prepares for Panchayat and city elections in the next three to four months, BJP and Congress have intensified the attack on the Government of Naveen Patnaik with each day passing since October 18 after being accused of leaving Gobinda Sahu.
From police detention, only to be served two days later.
Sahu then the suspect was the main and ordered for his murder.
The two national parties have been seeking resignation and the arrest of the Minister of State for the house of Shankar Mishra because of its suspicion of relations with the defendant, the founder of the school where Mamita Meer who died worked.
Even though the police said the Sahu killed the teacher because he had evidence of alleged extramariata.
Secretary General of Congress and National Spokesman Randeep Singh Surjewala and the Odisha Party are responsible for Chellakumar, accompanied by leaders of the State Congress, on Thursday visiting the families of victims in their original Balangir Regency, and seeking Mishra’s arrest and court for criminal conspiracy (IPC part 120b they ).
He demanded an investigation into the Special Treasure Special Investigation Team to complete an investigation in 90 days.
By stating that Mamita’s murder was not an isolated case, Surjewala said that Odisha’s tops were in the country in crimes against women and comparing their murders with the 2012 NIRBHAY Rape-Murder case in Delhi.
The Naveen government has submitted a state for murderers and rapists, he said.
“The murder has placed a question mark on the safety of every daughter in Odisha.
We will fight for justice for the girl killed.
Our request is the death penalty for the perpetrators,” Surjewala said.
Congress’s statement questioned who would do justice when allegedly opposing (junior) Minister of Home.
The BJP Team of the Center of Three members consisting of the Mahila Morcha National President of the Vanathi Party Srinivasan, a member of Lok Sabha from Haryana Sunita Duggal and West Bengal Mitra Srealupa Mitra Chaudhury will visit the victim’s family on Friday.
BJP members Yuva Morcha issued a rally in Bhubaneswar, in addition to Malkangiri and Chhatrapur looking for actions against Mishra.
Although BJP and Congress have protested at the murder of a girl in Nayadaydrop last year, dragging the name of the Minister of Higher Education Arun Sahoo for that, and a double murder in Mahanga earlier this year where the name of the Minister of Law was named accused, protests were not widespread.
BJD replenies the opposition says when the investigation is underway, someone has to wait until the probe is finished.
“Opposition parties do politics.
In addition, Congress should not preach when people know very well what he does when it is in power in the state,” said BJD Mla Kishore Kumar Mohanty.
Surjewala also accused BJP showing “double standards” adopted a different holder in Odisha and Uttar Pradesh for similar situations.
BJP has defended the Minister of Lane’s Minister for the house of Ajay Mishra above despite the involvement of his son in the murder of farmers in Lakhimpur Kheri while seeking the resignation of Odisha MOS teachers for teacher murder.
Destroying the alleged Surjewala, the leader of BJP Pradip Purohit told the Son of Ministers arrested for alleged role.
In Odisha, even though his name appeared, there was no action against Shankar Mishra.

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