Odisha ornaments are the sensitivity and smile of the people, said Governor Ganeshi Lal – News2IN

Odisha ornaments are the sensitivity and smile of the people, said Governor Ganeshi Lal

Bhubaneswar: Odisha Governor Ganeshi Lal talks about Odisha, policy, education, culture and more.
Quotes: on the Odisha experience …
I have a very different and gloomy picture in my mind before taking over as governor, even though I have visited the country twice.
But it’s really wrong.
This is a beauty land, love and peace.
The sensitivity and smile of the people are Odisha ornaments.
The Odisha spirit is one that has never been defeated.
Even if Chandashok beat him on the battlefield, the state has the power to turn it into Dharmashok.
The same spirit continues even today.
It’s holistic and inclusive.
In Odisha as an educational hub that appeared …
it had become a hub and on the path of further prosperity.
There are so many institutions that attract students from all over the country and the world.
Because other fundamentals are strong, the country will line up ahead.
The atmosphere and ecosystem are positive.
Unique Utkal Cultural University in India while unique Tribal (kiss) universities around the world.
In the state education system …
there must be more focused on basic education.
Government expenditure must be 4: 1 in basic education versus the rest.
If good basic education is given, the break will fall in line automatically.
It’s like investing more about the foundation than on home beauty.
In direct learning versus digital education …
for small school children, direct teaching is more important.
Physical interaction is very important.
There is no digital tool that can replace it.
When students grow in age, digital tools can be very helpful.
This can reduce costs and increase access.
On how to bridge digital divisions because poor people cannot afford smartphones and laptops …
efforts already exist.
In Odisha, the teacher goes to the student’s house.
More than 40 crore people in this country have a Jan Dhan account.
Every family wants to spend money on children’s education.
While they will try to draw anything they can, the government in the center and the country can support them through these accounts.
In the Indian inspection system where memorization is given more important …
which changes.
Now, many checks give importance on analytical skills and problem solving.
Improved things.
New education policy will change this further.
In the impact of Covid about education …
the evidence gradually appears that man-made coronavirus.
This is not a natural gift.
It is delinquency by several people from certain countries who might want to make other people become their slaves and build their supremacy.
Most countries have isolated countries that do it.
Murder politics never succeeded.
In the end, people who do damage will suffer.
The world has learned to deal with it.
We have been conditioned.
After vaccination, this disease will fade.
Life will return to its path, as well as education.
On if he hinted China …
that was the secret open.
I don’t need to name it.
In his advice for students? Too much career planning comes from friends and poor families.
Students must be encouraged to be their natural self so they can innovate.
We often make mistakes by telling children to be like other people (more successful people).
It shouldn’t be an approach.
There are no two people who can be the same.
We must stop telling students that they are a citizen of the country’s future.
No one sees the future.
We have to tell them that today is that day.
They have to do whatever they should, now.
In the Odisha government which is stable …
so far concerning my government, it is federal in character and unity in enthusiasm.
The state government here and the center does not fight with each other.
We love them and they love us.
We admire them and they admire us.
We adopt the central government policy.
We never collide with them.
However, to lift the mass of this country, we also introduced certain policies and schemes such as Kalia (cash transfer scheme for farmers) and Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (health insurance scheme), which is different from the center.
In the relationship between the states …
when the prime minister came to assess the damage caused by Typhoon Yaa, Minister of Naveen Patnaik’s minister was very good when he spoke to him.
He said he would not burden PM by demanding funds when the country fought with a pandemic.
CM doesn’t ask for a penny.
But the Prime Minister gave Rs 500 Crore to ensure that Odisha people felt comfortable.

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