Odisha: The action of calming traffic failed to examine the death of an accident at the intersection – News2IN

Odisha: The action of calming traffic failed to examine the death of an accident at the intersection

Odisha: The action of calming traffic failed to examine the death of an accident at the intersection
Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: The State Government expressed concern for the accidental mortality rate of alarming at the intersection of the road – Jalan Feeding which connects the state and national highways – although adoption of calming steps in places that have different authorities.
To overcome this problem, Secretary of the State Transportation Department of Sudan Padhi on Monday called on road owner agents, including the State Work Department and the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), to assess the cause of death at the intersection and submitting their investigations to report in Two months.
Odisha has 8102 intersections in which steps soothe traffic has been taken to reduce accidents.
But the data distributed by the branch of the State Crime shows that at least 2594 accidents occurred at the intersection in 2020, causing 1164 deaths.
“Death at the intersection is around 25% of the total deaths of accidents in the state in 2020.
This is a matter of concern.
Total 4738 accidents were reported in the state last year.
We have written a letter to the State General Secretary and the Head of the General Manager of NHAI in Odisha for Reviewing the intersection and find out the reason for the recurrence of accidents despite taking steps to calm traffic in those places, “Padhi said.
It must be noted that death related to the accident on the road has increased by almost 21% from 3,931 deaths in 2014 to 4,738 in 2020 in the state.
This regardless of the Supreme Court Committee about road safety directed the state government to reduce it to 50% by 2020.
Waspada on alarming increase in the death of a road accident in Odisha, the recent centers urged the Head of Minister of Naveen Patnaik to consider adopting to adopt The safety of the Tamil Nadu model, which has succeeded in reducing death from an accident of 54% in the past five years.
According to the Department of Transportation, the accident mortality rate increased abnormally by 25% in the first half of 2021 compared to the first six months of 2020, despite the covid-induced lock.

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