Omicron looks less severe, but it shouldn’t be taken lightly: experts – News2IN

Omicron looks less severe, but it shouldn’t be taken lightly: experts

Omicron looks less severe, but it shouldn't be taken lightly: experts
Written by news2in

New Delhi: As a new study from South Africa showed that Omicron Covid-19 variants were less severe even for Indian health experts who were not vaccinated on Saturday warned that it was too early to come to conclusions and tenses that were very translated should not be taken lightly.
According to experts, the Omicron variant is said to cause less severe diseases.
However, people should not stop taking precautions, following the Covid-19 protocol or get vaccination.
“Too you know whether this variant is not severe even for those who are not vaccinated.
We definitely witness a slight severity of symptoms on people who are vaccinated, so it is very important to get a vaccine,” Tushar Tayal, senior consultant, internal treatment, “Hospital Narayana Superspeciality, Gurugram told IAs.
“The majority of people face symptoms of mild or do not show symptoms, but we still do not know the long-term side effects of this variant, therefore I will urge everyone to be careful and do not take omicron lightly Altogether, “Tayal added compared to previous Covid strains.
This study comes at the time of the omicron variant spread Like fire throughout the world, including India.
South Africa has witnessed the fourth wave that is now evenly distributed.
“As far as this variant will lead to the third wave in India or not, I will say that with a surge in the case in the past two weeks, we witnessed it now,” Tayal said.
“But compared to the last wave, we see less inpatient,” he added.
Navneet Sood, Lung Consultant from the Hospital Superspeciality Dharamshila Narayana, New Delhi said that if we did not take adequate precautions, we would definitely invite the third wave.
“Data from South Africa, the first country to have a large outbreak caused by tensions, so far shows a lower level of hospitalization and death but that does not mean that people become careless,” said Sood to Ian.
“Mask is a must.
Everyone must take the Covid-19 protocol seriously,” he added.
The South African study compares 11,609 patients from the first three Covid-19 waves with 5,144 patients from waves driven by Omicron.
The researchers found that eight percent of patients died or were hospitalized within 14 days of positive testing for Covid during the fourth omicron wave, compared to 16.5 percent in the first three covid waves.
With the increasing daily 5 percent, India, so far, has 6,041 confirmed omicron cases.

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