On sites in South Haryana, farmers say they are happy but won’t leave – News2IN

On sites in South Haryana, farmers say they are happy but won’t leave

Written by news2in

Gurgaon: Farmers who protested at various sites in Southern Haryana have welcomed the revocation of three controversial agricultural laws.
At the Shahjahanpur-Jaisinghpur-Jaisinghpur-Jaisinghpur and Highway Delhi-Agra in Palwal, the protesters pay tribute to farmers who lost their lives in agitation on Friday.
“It’s no less than victory.
Everyone doubts the results of our struggle.
But on Friday, we all stand justified.
This is an award for all families who have lost their income members during protests,” said Naveen Sohlot, President Bku told youth .
Farmers, however, have decided not to leave the site until the law is canceled in the upcoming parliamentary session and the government provides a guarantee to introduce the Law on minimum support prices (MSP).
They assert that their struggle will continue until the government implements MSP which is recommended by the Swaminathan Committee and attracts electricity amendment bills.
“Now, we returned to our place before this agricultural law was introduced.
We will wait until the law is removed in parliament.
In addition, we will not leave protest sites until the government provides a guarantee to introduce laws on MSP Both in this session or next year’s budget session, “said all National Vice President Sabha Sabha Amra Ram, who was in Haryana’s border protest sites on Friday to congratulate farmers and locals.
Sandeep Yadav, State spokesman Jai Kisan Andolan, said: “This victory is incomplete.
We will wait and watch what happens in Parliament.
Samyukta Kisan Morcha has held an emergency meeting on Saturday to discuss this development and decide with that agitation We have planned in the coming week.
“At the location of the protest in Palwal, the leader of the Bhupinder Singh Hooda Congress met with farmers and congratulated them.
Hooda demanded that the government withdraw the cases submitted to farmers and overcome MSP problems.
“The long struggle and discipline of farmers is an example for other people who imitate.
The government must now discuss the issues left of the farmers.
They also have to advance to help the families of the martyrs during the movement,” he said.
Given the year Mahapanchayats, demonstrations, and Bharat Bandh, farmers and leaders thank the villagers and locals for “continuous support in the face of extreme atrocities they must be brave”.
“In February, a group of thugs threatened to attack us if we did not leave.
Some people tried their best to force us out.
On June 29, the storm revoked all our tents and we were on the road without taking refuge.
Local residents and villagers helped us rebuilding camps and ensuring that we never run out of food and milk, “said 62-year-old Jagat Singh, a protester on the border of Shahjahanpur-Jaisinghpur Khera.
Remembering the last year, a police officer from Rajasthan Police placed on the site said: “Initially, there was a distrust of us.
But in the past year, we have celebrated a shared festival.
They offer us food and tea.
After all this is finished, all of us Will remember this struggle for a very long time.

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