On the 15th day of the VAX teen drive, WB Nears 50% target Jab – News2IN

On the 15th day of the VAX teen drive, WB Nears 50% target Jab

On the 15th day of the VAX teen drive, WB Nears 50% target Jab
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Bengal finished vaccinating nearly 50% of the recipients who qualified in the age group 15-18 on Monday, even when the case of fresh Covid in Kolkata fell below the 2,000 mark for the first time since December 31 last year, leading some experts for Thinking that the third wave peak might be behind us.
While the city recorded 1,879 new cases on Monday, Bengal also, recorded a sharp decline – from 14,938 to 9,385, although there were fewer tests.
This is the biggest decline in fresh infections because the numbers touched 24,287 on January 9, the highest one-day surge.
The level of Bengal’s front is decreasing.
It was 29.5% on January 15, down to 27.3% on January 16 and 26.4% on Monday.
Inoculation programs for groups 15-18 began on January 3, with the target to cover 48 lakh in this group with their first shot in a month.
On Monday, the 15th day of the launch, Bengal managed to cover almost half the target.
With 23.65,664 young people throughout the country after getting their first shot, it was a lack of half-way milestones only around 34,000.
DipPendra Sarkar, a general operating professor at Ipgmer, found this was very encouraging.
“This is a fantastic performance and the right movement to reopen the school,” he told Toi.
Experts say Kolkata is on top of the third wave, and we are in the phase where cases are highlands, although some feel a large amount of mild infection is not tested.
The overall decline in the increase in daily cases was caused by a mixture of both.
“This seems to be a combination of sharp decline in tests and the number of cases now decreases.
So, we might see an increase in the case on Tuesday, but the trend decreases, what we see for the past three-four days, will continue,” said Raja Dhar, said director of CMRI pulmonology.

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