Online attendance dips as 1st year LU UG students promoted – News2IN

Online attendance dips as 1st year LU UG students promoted

Online attendance dips as 1st year LU UG students promoted
Written by news2in

LUCKNOW: Lucknow University-affiliated colleges witnessed a fall in their first-year undergraduate online class attendance by 40 to 70 % soon after the government announced to promote all the students in view of the Covid situation.
In the last two days at the National PG College (NPGC), around 70% of undergraduate students refrained from attending online classes in Arts faculty, while the remaining faculties also witnessed a fall of 30-50%.
In Avadh Girl’s Degree College, the attendance fell by 50% in all the streams.
Similarly, Shri Guru Nanak Girls Degree College (SGNGDC) saw around 40 to 60% dip in attendance, while 30-40% students didn’t attend online classes at Jain Narain PG Mishra PG College (KKC).
“Before the announcement, 150 students were attending online classes in BA (Economics).
However, the number of students came down to just 40 or 45 after they got to know they will be promoted,” said a faculty of NPGC.
“At the postgraduate level, there is hardly any change in the attendance percentage as the students are more sincere.
Also, they have to crack national level doctoral studies, submit assignments in form of a thesis, so they can’t afford to skip online classes.
But at UG level, attendance has dropped by 20-30% in humanities and commerce,” said a faculty of KKC.
A senior professor from AGDC said, “Attendance in online classes of various courses has gone down by 50%…
News of promoting all the students might be a reason behind this casual approach.” Similar scene was in other colleges.
“The sudden fall in attendance was not even witnessed at the time Covid peak,” said a teacher of SGNGDC General secretary, LU Associated College, Anshu Kedia said, “Yes, student attendance has fallen and varies from college to college.”

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